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Zhanybek Zh. Zhakypbekov Email: Z Zhakypbekov@mail.ru


Nowadays the study of the origins of nomadic civilization, based on an analysis of ethnic mentality and historical process is very relevant. Scientists of Central Asia interpret the spiritual principles of the ancient nomadic cultures in different ways. Some Kyrgyz experts who rely on the Kyrgyz ancestors consider that 3000–3500 years ago Uguz-Uygur state was formed in the Central Asia located on the Samara River became known as Samarkanti. During the reign of Otar Khan the state Uguz stretched to the fmu Darya. In the west and the Caspian Sea, to the Altay Mountains in the east. Kazakh philosophers, based on the «Tao of Altay» put forward a hypothesis according to which «the golden land» gave rise to an ancient civilization — pro-Altaians, enlightened the territory of Altaida or Hyperforea, and then all ancient civilization: Sumer, Egypt, Babylon, India, Cina and so on. An attempt to analyze the main moments of formation and further development of the spiritual culture of Kyrgyz–nomads is made in the presented report. Au given plots cited in the report are summarized on the basis it a study of historical facts on issues of merger and formation of the culture of Kyrgyz–nomads. The speaker studied this problem through a comparative analysis with the history of Altai people’s culture.


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How to Cite
Zhakypbekov, Z. Z. (2019). A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROBLEMS OF KYRGYZ–NOMADS’ CULTURE WITH ALTAI PEOPLE’S CULTURE. Society and Security Insights, 2(4), 100-107. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2019)4-08


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