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Because living and working conditions of migrants of the Asian borderland of Russia affect the level of social security and international and inter-ethnic relations in the Russian regions, there is a need in a deep sociological analysis of these conditions. In 2019 we have performed a sociological research in six Russian border regions (the Altai and Khabarovsk regions, Amour, Astrakhan and Volgograd oblasts and the Republic of Tyva) including expert evaluations in the form of standardized interviews among leaders of national-cultural associations (n=130). The article describes results of the factor analysis on pooling data and separate regional sub-samples. It was found that factorial structures vary significantly in different regions. The least complicated structure was revealed in the Republic of Tyva (only 2 factors), the most diverse – in the Astrakhan oblast (4 factors). In other regions the three-factor structure was the most relevant, while the united data was described with the four-factor solution. The description and analysis of the factor structures obtained may be used for elaboration of effective strategies of adaptation and integration of migrants into receiving societies of regions, covered by the research, and for justifying measures of migration policy of the Russian Federation.
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