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Svetlana V. Murasheva Email:


The urgency of the problem of studying the tension and conflict of interethnic interaction in the modern world is caused by the prevalence of negative opinions and stereotypical attitudes in society about persons belonging to ethnic groups different from Russian, the rapidly growing alienation of nations, the injustice of the administrative and territorial hierarchy of peoples, facts of ethnophobia and xenophobia. The ethnic component is becoming key and decisive in the social and political life of our country and causes inter-ethnic tensions and conflicts. At the current stage of development of social relations, there is an urgent need to develop and further introduce a system of prevention and resolution of inter-ethnic conflicts, which would be based on the Concept of State National Policy. Consolidation of society in order to solve national problems should be identified as a priority in the Concept of State National Policy. Due to these circumstances, research into the tensions and conflicts of inter-ethnic interaction has conceptual and practical significance, attracts the close attention of researchers from various fields of scientific knowledge and encourages them to develop and implement effective ways of preventing and settling conflicts of this type.

The aim of the article was to present the results of the study of interethnic tensions and conflicts in the modern world. An important place is given to the impact of interethnic conflicts on the development of social relations. The scientific novelty of the provisions proposed in the article is the study of the peculiarities of interethnic interaction and conflicts. Practical importance lies in the possibility of using the findings of the article to develop programmes for preventing and settling inter-ethnic conflicts.


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Murasheva, S. V. (2020). THE PROBLEM OF TENSION AND CONFLICT INTER-ETHNIC INTERACTION IN TODAY’S WORLD. Society and Security Insights, 3(4), 40-54.


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