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Albina S. Zhanbosinova Email: sovetuk@rambler.ru
Yulia A. Lysenko Email: iulia_199674@mail.ru


The article presents an analysis of the development of scientific, educational, cultural and educational Turkic centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors have noted that the collapse of the USSR and post-Soviet events determined a new format of Turkic integration, like TURKSOY - the International Organization of Turkic Culture, which promotes the unity of Turkic peoples on the basis of common historical roots. In this regard, modern researchers-Turkologists of Kazakhstan are studying the historical and cultural heritage of the Turkic civilization in the context of interdisciplinary projects with an emphasis on the international integration of specialists in this field. An equally important trend of modern Kazakh Turkology is the implementation of educational programs of multilevel training in the specialty «Turkology» by the country's leading higher educational institutions.


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How to Cite
Zhanbosinova, A. S., & Lysenko, Y. A. (2020). TURKOLOGY OF KAZAKHSTAN IN THE SYSTEM OF EURASIAN COORDINATES. Society and Security Insights, 3(4), 110-120. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2020)4-08


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