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Svetlana V. Murasheva Email:


The relevance of the problem of studying social conflicts in the modern world is due to the extreme complexity and inconsistency of social relations, the struggle of opposing forces and trends in all spheres of life. Changes in social interaction are accompanied by an expansion of the sphere of conflict manifestation. They involve not only large social groups, but also entire territories, both homogeneous in national respects and populated by different communities. The complication of the social structure, the differentiation of society, the emergence of freedom, pluralism, divergent and sometimes mutually exclusive interests, goals and values create sources for potential conflicts. At the present stage of development of social relations there is an urgent need for the development and subsequent implementation in practice of the system of prevention and settlement of social conflicts. Due to these circumstances, the study of tension and conflict of social interaction has conceptual and practical importance, attracting the close attention of researchers from various fields of scientific knowledge and encourages them to develop and implement in practice effective ways to prevent and resolve conflicts of this type. The aim of the article was to present the results of the study of the specifics of social conflicts in modern Russia. The important place is given to the influence of this type of conflicts on the development of social relations. The scientific novelty of the provisions proposed in the article lies in the study of the peculiarities of social interaction and conflicts. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the conclusions of the article for the development of programs to prevent and resolve social conflicts.


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How to Cite
Murasheva , S. V. (2021). SOCIAL CONFLICTS AS CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF CONTRADICTIONS IN RUSSIAN SOCIETY. Society and Security Insights, 4(2), 151-164.


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