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Larina, Tatiana Yu., Altai State Institute of Culture


Lastochkina , Oksana S., Vologda Research Center of The Russian Academy of Science
Lastochkina, Oksana S., Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences


Lastovkina, Daria A., Vologda Research Center RAS
Lastovkina, Daria A., Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Lastovkina, Darya A. , Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Leontieva, Taisiya V., Russian State Social University
Lipai, Tatyana, Minsk City Institute for the Development of Education


Lobanov, Yuri S., Novosibirsk Museum
Lysenko, Yulia A., Altai State University

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