• A.M. Seitov A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology; Laboratory of Archaeological Investigations of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University Email:
Keywords: Eurasian steppes, Kazakhstan, Turgay, the Scythian-Saka period, “altars”, stone items


This article is devoted to exploring of the stone “altars” of Turgay. Turgay is a steppe region adjacent to the Turgay basin deflection and comparable to the modern Kostanay region located in the north – northwest of Kazakhstan. At present only eight stone “altars” are known in the area of the Turgay steppe. Four of them come from the sites and the remaining ones are random finds. Seven “altars” do not have prop (legs), and one does. The analyzed items are of oval, round and rectangular shapes. The investigated “altars” relate to the Scythian-Saka period in the range of the 8th – 4th centuries BC. The tradition of making stone “altars” without props, is common for the Early Saka tribes of the Aral Sea Region and Ural-Kazakhstan steeps, from where apparently they spread to other Eurasian regions. The decline of the Early Saka culture in the middle of the 1st millennium BC stops the production of stone “altars” without props. Stone “altars” with props were mainly common for the South Ural and West Kazakhstan nomads of the Sauvromat period where their production reached the flourish.


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Author Biography

A.M. Seitov , A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology; Laboratory of Archaeological Investigations of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University

Seitov Abay Meiramovich, Master of History, Researcher, the Laboratory of Archaeological Research, Baitursynov Kostanai State University, Margulan Institute of Archaeology


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How to Cite
Seitov A. STONE “ALTARS” OF TURGAY // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2019. Vol. 27, № 3. P. 139-154 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2019)3(27).-10. URL: