• V.I. Tashak Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science Email:
Keywords: Upper Palaeolithic, stone industry, archaeological culture, archaeological site, Western Transbaikal, Eastern Transbaikalia


On the base of the results obtained during the research at the archaeological site Barun-Alan-1 in the east of Western Transbaikalia, the industry distinctive from the earlier-known industries of Palaeolithic sites in this region was recognized. This industry became the base for the distinguishing of the new archaeological culture with the name of Khengerectae. However, the culture included materials only from one site. The question of the culture’s territorial distribution was open. The discovering in 2015 of a new archaeological site with the Palaeolithic materials similar to Khengerectae industry did not solve the problem because both sites are situated in 500 m from one another. A truly change of the view on the Khengerectae culture spatial coverage became possible after the comparative investigations of the materials from Khengerectae culture and the Palaeolithic site Sukhotino-4, which is located in 250 km to the east from Barun-Alan-1 (Chita sity suburb, west oft he Eastern Transbaikalia). Based on the investigation, we identify the a great degree of similarity between Khengerectae and Sukhotino-4 materials, the sites show the identity in a set of characteristics. The most pronounced feature in two industries is the manufacturing of bifaces as tools. The investigations show that these industries developed synchronously at the Sartan glaciation (MIS2). Resulting from their similarity it is proposed to consider them in the frame of one culture with a new name Khengerectae-Sukhotino.


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Author Biography

V.I. Tashak, Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology SB RAS


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