Keywords: Burla-3, Ob-Irtysh interfluve, steppe Altai, ceramics, technical and technological analysis, Late Bronze Age


The article deals with the results of a comprehensive analysis of the molded ceramics of the Burla-3 settlement of the Late Bronze Age, carried out according to the method of A. A. Bobrinsky. Based on the study of molding masses (FM) of ceramic vessels, it has been established that the pottery tradition is represented by several groups associated with populations of different origins. The main one is the autochthonous technology for the use of chamotte as additives, at the same time, foreign cultural methods for the use of gruss are distinguished. The methods of designing vessels made it possible to reveal that the technological scheme of the Sargary-Alekseevsk culture is dominant. Correlation of the obtained data with the ornamental scheme of the ceramic complex made it possible to distinguish several technological groups: “Sargary-Alekseevskaya”, “Dongal”, “Irmenskaya”, and hybrid types between them.


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Author Biographies

Dmitriy V. Papin, Altai State University; Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of the Interdisciplinary Study of Archaeology of the Altai and Western Siberia of the Altai State University; Scientific Employee of the Laboratory of Archaeology and Ethnography of South Siberia, IAET SB RAS

Alexander S. Fedoruk, Altai State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Researcher of the Laboratory of the Interdisciplinary Study of Archaeology of the Altai and Western Siberia of the Altai State University

Valeriy G. Loman, Karaganda University named after E. A. Buketov

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the Saryarka Archaeological Institute of the Karaganda University named after E. A. Buketov

Nadezhda F. Stepanova, Altai State University; Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Scientific Employee of the Laboratory of Archaeology and Ethnography of South Siberia, IAET SB RAS. Researcher of the Laboratory of the Interdisciplinary Studyof Archaeology of the Altai and Western Siberia of the Altai State University


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How to Cite
Papin D. V., Fedoruk A. S., Loman V. G., Stepanova N. F. STUFFED CERAMICS OF THE LATE BRONZE EPOCH OF THE BURLA-3 SETTLEMENT // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2021. Vol. 33, № 2. P. 175-192 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2021)33(2).-10. URL: