Металлические изделия из памятников саргатской культуры Притоболья
В работе представлены результаты аналитического исследования металлических изделий из памятников саргатской культуры Притоболья методом рентгенофлюоресцентного анализа с целью уточнения направлений контактов местного населения. В результате анализа были получены свидетельства широкого распространения у представителей саргатской культуры изделий из чистой меди (Сu), оловянной бронзы (Cu+Sn) и двойной латуни (Cu+Zn), а также отмечено использование редких сплавов, ранее не выявленных на материалах саргатской культуры: свинцовой латуни (Cu+Zn+Pb) и свинцово-оловянной бронзы (Cu+Pb+Sn). Такое многообразие сплавов свидетельствует о наличии широких торгово-обменных связей у населения саргатской культуры на разных этапах ее существования. Новые данные не противоречат распространенной в литературе идее о поступлении слитков и готовых изделий из чистой меди от иткульских металлургов, а вещей из высокооловянных сплавов — с территорий Средней Азии, Поволжья, Приуралья, а также из восточных районов Сибири, Алтая и Забайкалья. Новый материал позволил сделать вывод о происхождении изделий из свинцово-оловянных бронз от хунну Забайкалья, а украшений из двойных и свинцовых латуней — от населения Северной Бактрии.
Apostol L.N. Metal Mirrors of the Sargat Culture of Tobolo-Ishimya. Chelovek i Sever: Antropologija, arheologija, jekologija = Man and the North: Anthropology, Archaeology, Ecology. Tjumen’ : Izd-vo IPOS SO RAN, 2012. Vyp. 2. Pp. 82–84. (In Russ.)
Barceva T.B. Non-ferrous Metal from the Middle Ishim Region (based on materials from the North Kazakhstan expedition)). Rannij zheleznyj vek i srednevekov’e Uralo-Irtyshskogo mezhdurech’ja = Early Iron Age and Middle Ages of the Ural-Irtysh Interfluve. Chelyabinsk : Izd-vo Bashkirskogo un-ta, 1987. Pp. 65–83. (In Russ.)
Bel’tikova G.V. Itkul I Settlement - a Place of Ancient Metallurgical Production. Problemy uralo-sibirskoj arheologii. Voprosy arheologii Urala = Problems of the Ural-Siberian Archaeology. Archeological Issues of the Urals. Sverdlovsk : UrGU, 1986. Vyp. 18. Pp. 63–79. (In Russ.)
Bel’tikova G.V. Development of the Itkul Center of Metallurgy. Voprosy arheologii Urala = Archeological Issues of the Urals. Ekaterinburg : Ural’skij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 1993. Vyp. 21. Pp. 93–106. (In Russ.)
Bel’tikova G.V. Trans-Ural (Itkul) Center of Metallurgy (the 7th -3rd centuries BC): synopsis of the Dis. ... Cand. hist. sciences. M., 1997. 23 p. (In Russ.)
Bel’tikova G.V. Itkul’skij ochag metallurgii: orientacija, svjazi. Ural’skij istoricheskij vestnik = Ural’skij istoricheskij vestnik. 2002;8:142–163. (In Russ.)
Bogdanova-Berezovskaya I.V. Chemical Composition of Metal Objects from the Tulkhar Burial Ground. A.M. Mandel’shtam. Kochevniki na puti v Indiju = A.M. Mandelstam. Nomads on Their Way to India. M.; L. : Nauka, 1966. Pp. 225–230. (In Russ.)
Viktorova V.D. Ways and Forms of Interaction between the Population of the Forest Belt of the Trans-Urals (Neolithic and Early Iron Age). Istoricheskie istoki, opyt vzaimodejstvija i tolerantnosti narodov Prikam’ja = Historical Sources, Experience of Interaction and Toler240 ance of the Peoples of the Kama Region. Izhevsk : Izdatel’stvo instituta ekonomiki i upravleniya UdGU, 2002. Pp. 36–41. (In Russ.)
Galibin V.A., Matveeva N.P. Spectral Analysis of Non-ferrous Metal from the Middle Tobol Region. Aktual’nye problemy metodiki zapadnosibirskoj arheologii = Actual Problems of the Methodology of Western Siberian Archaeology. Novosibirsk : Izd-vo NGPU, 1989. Pp. 106–109. (In Russ.)
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Degtyareva A.D. Metalworking of the early Iron Age in the Middle Ishim Region. Zapadnaja Sibir’ — problemy razvitija = Western Siberia - Development Problems. Tjumen’ : IPOS SO RAN, 1994. Pp. 20–31. (In Russ.)
Degtyareva A.D., Kuz’minyh S.V. Models of Nonferrous Metal Production in the Urals in the Early Iron Age. Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii = Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography. 2018;2(41):41–60. (In Russ.)
Degtyareva A.D., Shuvaeva O.V. Bronze Decorations of the Chepkul-9 Burial. Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii = Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography. 2009;9:22–31. (In Russ.)
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Kuzminykh S.V. The main stages in the development of metalworking in the era of early metal and early iron (copper and bronze) // Bulletin of the KemSU. 2015. Vol. 6, No. 2. Pp. 68–71. (In Russ.)
Konovalov P.B. Xiongnu in Transbaikalia (Burial sites). Ulan-Ude : Buryatskoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo, 1976. 248 p. (In Russ.)
Kuz’minyh S.V. The Eurasian Metallurgical Province and Nonferrous Metalworking of the Early Iron Age: The Problem of Correlation. Arheologicheskie kul’tury i kul’turno-istoricheskie obshhnosti Bol’shogo Urala = Archaeological Cultures and Cultural-Historical Communities of the Greater Urals. Ekaterinburg : IIA UrO RAN, UrGU, 1993. Pp. 119–122. (In Russ.)
Kuz’minyh S.V. About the Metal of the Chicha-1 Settlement. CHicha — gorodishche perekhodnogo ot bronzy k zhelezu vremeni v Barabinskoj lesostepi = Chicha - a Settlement of Transitional Time from Bronze to Iron in the Barabinsk forest-steppe. Novosibirsk; Berlin : Izd-vo In-ta arheologii i etnografii SO RAN, 2009. T. 3. Pp. 202–212. (In Russ.)
Kuz’minyh S.V. The Main Stages in the Development of Metalworking in Western Siberia in the Era of Early Metal and Early Iron (copper and bronze). Vestnik KemGU = Bulletin of the KemSU. 2015;6(2):68–71. (In Russ.)
Kuz’minyh S.V., Degtyareva A.D. Cvetnaja metalloobrabotka itkul’skoj kul’tury (predvaritel’nye rezul’taty analiticheskih issledovanij). Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii = Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i jetnografii. 2015;4(31):57–66. (In Russ.)
Kuz’minyh S.V., Degtyareva A.D. Metal Cultures of the Early Iron Age of the Urals – Production Models. XXI Ural’skoe arheologicheskoe soveshhanie, posvjashhennoe 85-letiju so dnja rozhdenija G.I. Matveevoj i 70-letiju so dnja rozhdenija I.B. Vasil’eva = XXI Ural Archaeological Meeting Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the Birth of G.I. Matveeva and the 70th Birthday of I.B. Vasilyeva. Samara : Izd-vo SGSPU, 2018. Pp. 221–224. (In Russ.)
Kuz’minyh S.V., Degtyareva A.D., Tigeeva E.V. Metal Production of Krasnoozero and Itkul Cultures of Tobolo-Ishimya. Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii = Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography 2017;4(39):37–50. (In Russ.)
Kundo L.P., Shcherbakov Yu.G., Roslyakova N.V. Features of Bronze Casting and Raw Materials of Metallurgy of the Scythian Era in Gorny Altai. Fenomen altajskih mumij = Phenomenon of Altai Mummies. Novosibirsk : Izd-vo In-ta arheologii i etnografii SO RAN, 2000. Pp. 176–179. (In Russ.)
Maksimenko V.V., Bezuglov S.I. Late Sarmatian Burials in the Mounds on the Bystraya River. Sovetskaya arheologiya = Soviet Archaeology . 1987;7:183–192. (In Russ.)
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Matveeva N.P. Rafailovskoe Settlement - a Site of the Sargat Culture of the Middle Tobol Region. Rossijskaya arheologiya = Russian Archaeology. 1993;1:148–163. (In Russ.)
Matveeva N.P. Sargat Culture in the Middle Tobol. Novosibirsk : Nauka, 1993a. 172 p. (In Russ.)
Matveeva N.P. Trade Relations between Western Siberia and Central Asia in Antiquity. Zapadnaja Sibir’ — problemy razvitija = Western Siberia - Development Problems. Tyumen’ : IPOS SO RAN, 1994. Pp. 45–54. (In Russ.)
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Matveeva N.P., Prokonova M.M., Ovchinnikov I.Yu. On the Development of the Sargat Culture in the Tobol Region (based on materials from the Ustyug-1 burial ground)Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii = Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography. 2021;1(52):20–32. (In Russ.)
Matveeva N.P., Chikunova I.Yu., Orlova L.A., Pokloncev A.S. New explorations of the Rafailovskoye Settlement. Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii = Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i jetnografii = Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography. 2005;5:74–95. (In Russ.)
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Tigeeva E.V., Belonogova L.N. Mirrors with an Umbil in the Center and a Roller of the Sargat Culture of the Tobolo-Ishimya. XXI Ural’skoe arheologicheskoe soveshhanie, posvjashhennoe 85-letiju so dnja rozhdenija G.I. Matveevoj i 70-letiju so dnja rozhdenija I.B. Vasil’eva = XXI Ural Archaeological Meeting Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the Birth of G.I. Matveeva and the 70th Birthday of I.B. Vasilyeva. Samara : Porto-print, 2018. Pp. 251–253. (In Russ.)
Tigeeva E.V., Belonogova L.N. Mirrors of the Sargat Сulture of the Tobol-Ishim Interfluve. Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii = Bulletin of Archфeology, Anthropology and Ethnography 2018a;4(43):84–96. (In Russ.)
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