Основное содержание статьи

Людмила Вячеславовна Тарасова Email: mila_vt@mail.ru


В представленной работе проведен обзор зарубежных исследований по вопросам стимулирования физической активности пожилых граждан инструментами социальных связей между представителями разных поколений с целью исследования потенциала межпоколенческих отношений в качестве стимула и мотиватора для стареющего населения заниматься физкультурой, спортом и иными формами физической активности. Актуальность данной темы обусловлена демографическим и социальными тенденциями: с одной стороны, увеличение продолжительности жизни граждан приводит к популяционному постарению, а с другой – с точки зрения целей устойчивого развития общества необходимо, чтобы стареющие граждане сохраняли физическое и психическое здоровье, были активны, физически выносливы и т.д. Обзор проведен методом контент-анализа зарубежных научных публикаций, отражающих прикладные исследования по заданной теме. Исследование показало, что значимым условием повышения физической активности пожилых выступает социальное взаимодействие с членами семьи – представителями иных, более молодых поколений. Совместные занятия спортом, участие (посещение и наблюдение) в занятиях и соревнованиях, помощь детей и внуков свои пожилым родителям в разработке системы упражнений, а также освоении цифровых помощников (фитнес-треккеров и программ-приложений) способствуют укреплению семейных связей, стимулируют и мотивируют физическую активность. Научная ценность и практическая значимость работы заключается в аккумуляции научных знаний и их систематизация для разработки концепций и политик стимулирования активного долголетия, возможности использования зарубежного опыта в российской практике реализации программ вовлечения пожилых граждан в физическую активность с использованием межпоколенческих связей.


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Детали статьи

Как цитировать
Тарасова, Л. В. (2023). ФИЗИЧЕСКАЯ АКТИВНОСТЬ ПОЖИЛЫХ ГРАЖДАН В УСЛОВИЯХ МЕЖПОКОЛЕНЧЕСКИХ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЙ: ОБЗОР ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ. Society and Security Insights, 6(2), 211-222. https://doi.org/10.14258/SSI(2023)2-14
Биография автора

Людмила Вячеславовна Тарасова, Белгородский юридический институт МВД России имени И.Д. Путилина

Людмила Вячеславовна Тарасова — инспектор группы социальной работы отдела морально-психологического обеспечения (ГСР ОМПО), Белгородский юридический институт МВД России имени И.Д. Путилина, г. Белгород, Россия.


Мозговая Е.И., Водолазова Ж.М., Горский А.А., Волкова О.А. Здоровый образ жизни населения в условиях пандемии: экспертные мнения исследователей и представителей некоммерческих организаций // Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины. 2021. Т. 29. № S1. С. 763-767. doi: 10.32687/0869-866x-2021-29-s1-763-767.
Политическая социология. В 2-х частях. Ч. 1. Власть и гражданское общество / Вертешин А.И., Волкова О.А., Гужавина Т.А. и др.; общая ред. В.К. Мокшина и С.И. Шубина. Часть 1. Власть и гражданское общество. – Архангельск: ИД САФУ, 2014. 363 с.
Ahtinen A., Isomursu M., Mukhtar M., Mäntyjärvi J., Häkkilä J., Blom J. Designing social features for mobile and ubiquitous wellness applications. In: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia (MUM '09), Article 12. Association for computing machinery. New York: UPC, 2009.
Bandura A. Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory. Hoboken: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1986.
Bengtson V.L. Beyond the Nuclear Family: The Increasing Importance of Multigenerational Bonds // Journal of Marriage and Family. 2001. №63(1). P.1-16.
Bengtson V.L., Oyama P.S. Intergenerational Solidarity and Conflict: What Does It Mean and What Are the Big Issues? Chapter two. Intergenerational Solidarity Strengthening Economic and Social Ties. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. P.35.
Booth M.L., Owen N., Bauman A., Clavisi O., Leslie E. Social-cognitive and perceived environment influences associated with physical activity in older Australians // Preview Medicine. 2000. №31(1). P.15–22.
Boulton E. R., Horne M., Todd C. Multiple influences on participating in physical activity in older age: Developing a social ecological approach // Health Expectations. 2018. №21(1). Р.239–248.
Butts D.M. Intergenerational service learning and volunteering // New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising. Special Issue: Philanthropy across the Generations. 2003. №42. P. 59-69.
D’Haeseleer I., Gerling K., Schreurs D., Vanrumste B., Vanden Abeele V. Ageing is not a disease: pitfalls for the acceptance of self-management health systems supporting healthy ageing. In: The 21st International ACM SIGACCESS conference on computers and accessibility (ASSETS '19). New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2019. P.286–298.
Dionigi R.A., Fraser-Thomas J., Logan J. The nature of family influences on sport participation in Masters athletes // Annals of Leisure Research. 2012. №15(4). P.366-388.
Flora P.K., Faulkner G.E.J. Physical activity: an innovative context for intergenerational programming // Journal of Intergeneration Relations. 2007. №4(4). P.63–74.
Harvey J.A., Chastin S.F.M., Skelton D.A. Prevalence of sedentary behavior in older adults: a systematic review // International Journal of Environmental Researchers in Public Health. 2013. №10(12). P.6645-6661.
Hatton-Yeo A. Connecting Generations — A Global Perspective. International Consortium of Intergenerational Programmes. Keel University, England. 2002. P.19.
Langhammer B., Bergland A., Rydwik E. The Importance of Physical Activity Exercise among Older People // Biomed Researchers. 2018. №5. Р.856823.
Matthew K. Using Technology to Connect Generations. Penn State Intergenerational Program. URL:http://aese.psu.edu/outreach/intergenerational/program-areas/technology (дата обращения: 19.03.2023).
Mitts N. Documenting Contributions of Civil Society Organisations to the WellBeing of Families. Interactive Internet Forum. The Vienna NGO Committee on the Family. Vienna, 2004. P.13.
Mori K., Harada E.T. Is learning a family matter?: experimental study of the influence of social environment on learning by older adults in the use of mobile phones // Japan Psychological Researches. 2010. №52(3). P.244–255.
Musich S., Wang S. S., Hawkins K., Greame C. The Frequency and Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Older Adults // Population Health Management. 2017. 20(3). Р.199–207.
Paterson D.H., Jones G.R., Rice C.L. Ageing and physical activity: Evidence to develop exercise recommendations for older adults // Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2007. №98 (suppl. 2). P.69-S108.
Phoenix C., Sparkes A.C. Keeping it in the family: narrative maps of ageing and young athletes’ perceptions of their futures // Ageing & Society. 2006. №26(4). P.631-648.
Powers M., Gray M., Garver K. Attitudes toward older adults: results from a fitness-based intergenerational learning experience // Journal of Intergeneration Relations. 2013. №11(1). P.50–61.
Rackow P., Scholz U., Hornung R. Received social support and exercising: an intervention study to test the enabling hypothesis // British Journal of Health Psychology. 2015. №20(4). P.763–776.
Ransdell L.B., Robertson L., Orne, L. et Moyer-Mileur L. Generations Exercising Together to Improve Fitness (GET FIT): A Pilot Study Designed to Increase Physical Activity and Improve Health-Related Fitness in Three Generations of Women. 2005. P.77-94.
Rothausen T.J. ‘Family’ in organizational research: A review and comparison of definitions and measures // Journal of Organizational Behavior. 1999. №20. P.817-836.
Sandbulte J., Beck J., Choe E.K., Carroll J.M.: Turning points: motivating intergenerational families to engage on sustainable health information sharing. In: International conference on information. Netherlands: Springer Publisher, 2019. P.741–753.
Thang L.L., Kalyani M. “Conclusion: Grandparenting in Contemporary Asia: Change and Continuity” In Mehta, Kalyani and Thang, Leng Leng, Experiencing Grandparenthood, Netherlands: Springer Publisher, 2012.
Trost S.G., Owen N., Bauman A.E., Sallis J.F., Brown W. Correlates of adults’ participation in physical activity: review and update // Medical Sciences and Sports Exercises. 2002. №34(12). P.1996–2001.
United Nation. Family Policy in a Changing World: Promoting Social Protection and Intergenerational Solidarity. Doha, Qatar. 14-16 April, 2009. P. 32.
United Nations. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 1948. URL:http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html (дата обращения: 19.03.2023).
Vanderbeck R.M. Intergenerational geographies: age relations, segregation and re-engagements // Geography Compass. 2007. №1(2). P.200–221.
WHO. Global Recommendations on PA for Health. 2010.

Mozgovaya, E.I., Vodolazova, Zh.M., Gorsky, A.A., Volkova O.A. (2021). Healthy lifestyle of the population in a pandemic: expert opinions of researchers and representatives of non-profit organizations. Problems of social hygiene, healthcare and history of medicine. Vol. 29. №S1. pp. 763-767. doi: 10.32687/0869-866x-2021-29- s1-763-767.
Political sociology. In 2 parts. Part 1. Government and civil society / Verteshin A.I., Volkova O.A., Guzhavina T.A. and others; general ed. by V.K. Mokshin and S.I. Shubin. Part 1. Government and civil society. Arkhangelsk: SAFU Publishing House, 2014.
Ahtinen, A., Isomursu, M., Mukhtar, M., Mäntyjärvi, J., Häkkilä, J., Blom, J. Designing social features for mobile and ubiquitous wellness applications. In: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia (MUM '09), Article 12. Association for computing machinery. New York: UPC, 2009.
Bandura, A. Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory. Hoboken: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1986.
Bengtson, V.L. (2001). Beyond the Nuclear Family: The Increasing Importance of Multigenerational Bonds. Journal of Marriage and Family. №63(1). P.1-16.
Bengtson, V.L., Oyama, P.S. Intergenerational Solidarity and Conflict: What Does It Mean and What Are the Big Issues? Chapter two. Intergenerational Solidarity Strengthening Economic and Social Ties. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. P.35.
Booth, M.L., Owen, N., Bauman A., Clavisi O., Leslie E. (2000). Social-cognitive and perceived environment influences associated with physical activity in older Australians. Preview Medicine. №31(1). P.15–22.
Boulton, E. R., Horne, M., Todd, C. (2018). Multiple influences on participating in physical activity in older age: Developing a social ecological approach. Health Expectations. №21(1). Р.239–248.
Butts, D.M. (2003). Intergenerational service learning and volunteering. New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising. Special Issue: Philanthropy across the Generations. №42. P. 59-69.
D’Haeseleer, I., Gerling, K., Schreurs, D., Vanrumste, B., Vanden Abeele, V. Ageing is not a disease: pitfalls for the acceptance of self-management health systems supporting healthy ageing. In: The 21st International ACM SIGACCESS conference on computers and accessibility (ASSETS '19). New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2019. P.286–298.
Dionigi, R.A., Fraser-Thomas J., Logan J. (2012). The nature of family influences on sport participation in Masters athletes. Annals of Leisure Research. №15(4). P.366-388.
Flora, P.K., Faulkner, G.E.J. (2007). Physical activity: an innovative context for intergenerational programming. Journal of Intergeneration Relations. №4(4). P.63–74.
Harvey, J.A., Chastin, S.F.M., Skelton, D.A. (2013). Prevalence of sedentary behavior in older adults: a systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Researchers in Public Health. №10(12). P.6645-6661.
Hatton-Yeo, A. Connecting Generations — A Global Perspective. International Consortium of Intergenerational Programmes. Keel University, England. 2002. P.19.
Langhammer, B., Bergland A., Rydwik E. (2018). The Importance of Physical Activity Exercise among Older People. Biomed Researchers. №5. Р.856823.
Matthew, K. Using Technology to Connect Generations. Penn State Intergenerational Program. URL:http://aese.psu.edu/outreach/intergenerational/program-areas/technology (дата обращения: 19.03.2023).
Mitts, N. Documenting Contributions of Civil Society Organisations to the WellBeing of Families. Interactive Internet Forum. The Vienna NGO Committee on the Family. Vienna, 2004. P.13.
Mori, K., Harada, E.T. (2010). Is learning a family matter?: experimental study of the influence of social environment on learning by older adults in the use of mobile phones. Japan Psychological Researches. №52(3). P.244–255.
Musich, S., Wang, S. S., Hawkins, K., Greame, C. (2017). The Frequency and Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Older Adults. Population Health Management. №20(3). Р.199–207.
Paterson, D.H., Jones, G.R., Rice, C.L. (2007). Ageing and physical activity: Evidence to develop exercise recommendations for older adults. Canadian Journal of Public Health. №98 (suppl. 2). P.69-S108.
Phoenix, C., Sparkes, A.C. (2006). Keeping it in the family: narrative maps of ageing and young athletes’ perceptions of their futures. Ageing & Society. №26(4). P.631-648.
Powers, M., Gray, M., Garver, K. (2013). Attitudes toward older adults: results from a fitness-based intergenerational learning experience. Journal of Intergeneration Relations. №11(1). P.50–61.
Rackow, P., Scholz, U., Hornung, R. (2015). Received social support and exercising: an intervention study to test the enabling hypothesis. British Journal of Health Psychology. №20(4). P.763–776.
Ransdell, L.B., Robertson, L., Orne, Moyer-Mileur, L. Generations Exercising Together to Improve Fitness (GET FIT): A Pilot Study Designed to Increase Physical Activity and Improve Health-Related Fitness in Three Generations of Women. 2005. P.77-94.
Rothausen, T.J. (1999). ‘Family’ in organizational research: A review and comparison of definitions and measures. Journal of Organizational Behavior. №20. P.817-836.
Sandbulte, J., Beck, J., Choe, E.K., Carroll, J.M.: Turning points: motivating intergenerational families to engage on sustainable health information sharing. In: International conference on information. Netherlands: Springer Publisher, 2019. P.741–753.
Thang, L.L., Kalyani, M. “Conclusion: Grandparenting in Contemporary Asia: Change and Continuity” In Mehta, Kalyani and Thang, Leng Leng, Experiencing Grandparenthood, Netherlands: Springer Publisher, 2012.
Trost, S.G., Owen, N., Bauman, A.E., Sallis, J.F., Brown, W. (2002). Correlates of adults’ participation in physical activity: review and update. Medical Sciences and Sports Exercises. №34(12). P.1996–2001.
United Nation. Family Policy in a Changing World: Promoting Social Protection and Intergenerational Solidarity. Doha, Qatar. 14-16 April, 2009. P. 32.
United Nations. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 1948. URL:http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html (дата обращения: 19.03.2023).
Vanderbeck, R.M. (2007). Intergenerational geographies: age relations, segregation and re-engagements. Geography Compass. №1(2). P.200–221.
WHO. Global Recommendations on PA for Health. 2010.