Основное содержание статьи

Александра Владимировна Короленко Email: coretra@yandex.ru


Здоровый сон является не только важнейшим источником восстановления сил организма, но и способом преодоления травмирующих событий и стрессов, а также ресурсом эффективной работы нервной системы человека. Многие исследования подтверждают наличие взаимосвязи между продолжительностью и качеством сна и состоянием здоровья населения. При этом в современных условиях большое значение в детерминации сна приобретают социально-демографические характеристики населения. Главными нарушениями сна признается не только сокращение его продолжительности, но и ухудшение качества (проблемы с засыпанием, ощущение невосстановленных сил). Целью данной статьи стало изучение количественных и качественных характеристик сна населения (в т. ч. в разрезе основных социально-демографических групп), распространенности факторов его нарушений и их влияния на субъективные оценки здоровья. Информационной базой выступили данные мониторинга физического здоровья населения Вологодской области 2020 г. (n = 1500). В ходе исследования были выявлены категории риска по количественным и качественным нарушениям сна; подтверждена взаимосвязь факторов стресса, шумового загрязнения и неблагоприятных жилищных условий с частотой развития нарушений сна; доказано влияние проблем со сном на самооценки здоровья.


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Детали статьи

Как цитировать
Короленко, А. В. (2020). ПРОДОЛЖИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ И КАЧЕСТВО СНА НАСЕЛЕНИЯ ВОЛОГОДСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ: КАТЕГОРИИ РИСКА, ФАКТОРЫ НАРУШЕНИЯ И ВЛИЯНИЕ НА ЗДОРОВЬЕ. Society and Security Insights, 3(4), 173-194. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2020)4-14


Бочкарёв М.В., Коростовцева Л.С., Свиряев Ю.В. Продолжительность и качество сна – есть ли связь с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями? Артериальная гипертензия, 2014, 20 (5), 450–461.
Гагулин И.В., Гафарова А.В., Гафаров В.В., Пак В.А. Нарушения сна и их связь с психосоциальными факторами и ИБС. Мир науки, культуры, образования, 2010, 3 (22), 180–182.
Логсэнд Л.E., Стрэнд Л.Б., Платоу К., Ваттен Л.Дж., Жански И. Нарушение сна и риск развития сердечной недостаточности: популяционное исследование. Поликлиника, 2013, 5–2, 71–74.
Новичкова Н. И., Каллистов Д.Ю., Романова Е.А. Нарушения сна и хронический стресс как факторы риска сердечно-сосудистой патологии. Российский кардиологический журнал, 2015, 6 (122), 20–24.
Полуэктов М.Г. Сон и когнитивные функции. Эффективная фармакотерапия, 2018, No. 20, 20–27.
Шабунова А.А. Здоровье населения в России: состояние и динамика: монография. Вологда: ИСЭРТ РАН, 2010.
Эпидемиология сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний в различных регионах России (ЭССЕ-РФ). Обоснование и дизайн исследования. Профилактическая медицина, 2013, No. 6, 25–34.
Akerstedt T., Nilsson P.M. Sleep as restitution: an introduction. Journal of Internal Medicine, 2003, 254, 6–12.
Allgöwer A., Wardle J., Steptoe A. Depressive symptoms, social support, and personal health behaviors in young men and women. Health Psychology, 2001, 20, 223–227. doi: 10.1037/0278-6133.20.3.223
Arber S., Bote M., Meadow R. Gender and socio-economic patterning of self-reported sleep problem in Britain. Social Science and Medicine, 2009, 68, 281–289. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.10.016
Billiard M. Sleep disorders in adults; biological mechanisms through which sleep disorders affect the health of adults. Identification of environmental factors leading to clinical sleep disorders. WHO technical meeting on sleep and health, World Health Organization, 2004, pp. 62–81.
Cappuccio F.P., D’Elia L., Strazzullo P., Miller M.A. Quantity and quality of sleep and incidence of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Care, 2010, 33, 414–420.
Cappuccio F.P., Taggart F.M., Kandala N.-B. et al. Metaanalysis of short sleep duration and obesity in children, adolescents and adults. Sleep, 2008, 31 (5), 619–626.
Chatzitheochari S, Arber S. Lack of sleep, work and the long hours culture: evidence from the UK Time Use Survey. Work, Employment and Society. 2009, 23 (1), 30–48. doi: 10.1177/0950017008099776
Chien K.-L., Chen P.-C., Hsu H.-C., Su T.-C., Sung F.-C., Chen M.-F., et al. Habitual sleep duration and insomnia and the risk of cardiovascular events and all-cause death: Report from a community-based cohort. Sleep, 2010, 33, 177–184.
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text revision). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 2000. 943 p.
Elwood P., Hack M., Pickering J., Hughes J., Gallacher J. Sleep disturbance, stroke, and heart disease events: evidence from the Caerphilly cohort. Journal of Epidemiology  Community Health, 2006, 60 (1), 69–73. doi: 10.1136/jech.2005.039057
Faubel R., Lopez-Garcia E., Guallar-Castillon P., Balboa-Castillo T., Gutierrez-Fisac J.L., Banegas J.R., et al. Sleep duration and health-related quality of life among older adults: a population-based cohort in Spain. Sleep, 2009, 32 (8), 1059–1068.
Ferrie J. E., Shipley M. J., Cappuccio F. P., Brunner E., Miller M. A., Kumari M., et al. A prospective study of change in sleep duration: Associations with mortality in the Whitehall II cohort. Sleep, 2007, 30 (12), 1659–1666.
Gallicchio L., Kalesan B. Sleep duration and mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sleep Research, 2009, 18, 148–158. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2008.00732.x
Gottlieb D.J., Redline S., Nieto F.J., Baldwin C.M., Newman A.B.., Resnick H.E., et al. Association of usual sleep duration with hypertension: the sleep heart health study. Sleep, 2006, 29 (8), 1009–1014.
Hamilton N.A., Gallagher M.W., Preacher K.J., Stevens N., Nelson C.A., Karlson C., et al. Insomnia and well-being. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2007, 75, 939–946. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.75.6.939
Hamilton N.A., Lillis T., Pressman M. Sleep and Well-Being. In: Michalos A.C. (eds). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht, 2014, 311 p. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_3743
Keefer L., Stepanski E.J., Ranjbaran Z., Benson L.M., Keshavarzian A. An initial report of sleep disturbance in inactive inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 2006, 2 (4), 409–416.
Kripke D.F., Garfinkel L., Wingard D.L., Klauber M.R., Marler M.R. Mortality associated with sleep duration and insomnia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2002, 59 (2), 131-136. doi: 10.1001/archpsyc.59.2.131
Magee C.A., Caputi P., Iverson D.C. Relationships between self-rated health, quality of life and sleep duration in middle aged and elderly Australians. Sleep Medicine, 2011, 12 (4), 346–350. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2010.09.013
Maume D., Sebastian R.A., Bardo A.R. Gender difference in sleep disruption among retail food workers. American Sociological Review, 2009, 74(6), 98–1007. doi: 10.1177/000312240907400607
Miller M.A., Cappuccio F.P. Sleep quantity and quality and the risk of type-2 diabetes. In: Preedy V.R., Patel V.B., Le LA. (eds). Handbook of nutrition, diet and sleep. Human Health Handbooks, vol 3. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, 2013, pp. 270–277. doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-763-9_18
Moore P., Adler N. E., Williams D.R., Jackson J.S. Socioeconomic status and health: The role of sleep. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2002, 64, 337–344.
Morin M.A., LeBlanc M., Daley M., Gregoire J.P., Mérette C. Epidemiology of insomnia: Prevalence, self-help treatments, consultations, and determinants of help-seeking behaviors. Sleep Medicine, 2006, 7, 123–130.
Morphy H., Dunn K.M., Lewis M., Boardman H.F., Croft P.R. Epidemiology of insomnia: A longitudinal study in a UK population. Sleep, 2007, 30 (3), 274–280.
Muzet A. Adult’s sleep physiology, sleep quality and indicators of disturbed sleep. Short-term effects on health of disturbed sleep in adults. WHO technical meeting on sleep and health, World Health Organization, 2004, pp. 24–37.
Orr W.C. Esophageal function during sleep: Another danger in the night. Sleep Medicine, 2007, 8 (1), 105–106.
Patel S.R., Malhotra A., Gottlieb D.J., White D.P., Hu F.B. Correlates of long sleep duration. Sleep, 2006, 29 (7), 881–889.
Ranjbaran Z., Keefer L., Stepanski E., Farhadi A., Keshavarzian A. The relevance of sleep abnormalities to chronic inflammatory conditions. Inflammation Research, 2007, 56 (2), 51–57.
Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K.V., Merrow M., Vetter S. Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 2012, 22 (10), 939–943.
Roth T. Insomnia: Definition, prevalence, etiology, and consequences. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 2007, 3 (Suppl), 7–10.

Bochkarev, M.V., Korostovtseva, L.S., Sviryaev, Yu.V. (2014). Prodolzhitel'nost' i kachestvo sna – est' li svjaz' s serdechno-sosudistymi zabolevanijami? [Sleep quality and duration and cardiovascular diseases: is there an association?]. Arterial Hypertension, 20 (5), 450–461.
Gagulin, I.V., Gafarova, A., Gafarov, V.V., Раck, V.A. (2010). Narushenija sna i ih svjaz' s psihosocial'nymi faktorami i IBS [Sleep disorders and their relation to psychosocial factors and CHD]. The world of science, culture and education, 3 (22), 180–182.
Logsjend, L.E., Strjend, L.B., Platou, K., Vatten, L.Dzh., Zhanski, I. (2013). Narushenie sna i risk razvitija serdechnoj nedostatochnosti: populjacionnoe issledovanie [Sleep disturbance and risk of heart failure: a population-based study]. Poliklinika, 5–2, 71–74.
Novichkova, N.I., Kallistov, D.Yu., Romanova, E.A. (2015). Narushenija sna i hronicheskij stress kak faktory riska serdechno-sosudistoj patologii [Sleep disorders and chronic stress as cardiovascular risk factors]. Russian Journal of Cardiology, 6 (122), 20–24.
Poluektov, M.G. (2018). Son i kognitivnye funkcii [Sleep and cognitive functions]. Jeffektivnaja farmakoterapija, no. 20, 20–27.
Shabunova, A.A. Zdorov'e naselenija v Rossii: sostojanie i dinamika [Health of the population in Russia: status and dynamics]: monografija. Vologda: ISJeRT RAN, 2010.
Jepidemiologija serdechno-sosudistyh zabolevanij v razlichnyh regionah Rossii (JeSSE-RF) (2013). Obosnovanie i dizajn issledovanija [Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in different regions of Russia (esse-rf). The rationale for and design of the study]. Russian Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, no. 6, 25–34.
Akerstedt, T., Nilsson, P.M. (2003). Sleep as restitution: an introduction. Journal of Internal Medicine, no. 254, 6–12.
Allgöwer, A., Wardle, J., Steptoe, A. (2001). Depressive symptoms, social support, and personal health behaviors in young men and women. Health Psychology, no. 20, 223–227. doi: 10.1037/0278-6133.20.3.223
Arber, S., Bote, M., Meadow, R. (2009). Gender and socio-economic patterning of self-reported sleep problem in Britain. Social Science and Medicine, no. 68, 281–289. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.10.016
Billiard, M. (2004). Sleep disorders in adults; biological mechanisms through which sleep disorders affect the health of adults. Identification of environmental factors leading to clinical sleep disorders (pp. 62–81). WHO technical meeting on sleep and health, World Health Organization.
Cappuccio, F.P., D’Elia, L., Strazzullo, P., Miller, M.A. (2010). Quantity and quality of sleep and incidence of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Care, no. 33, 414–420.
Cappuccio, F.P., Taggart, F.M., Kandala, N.-B. et al. (2008). Metaanalysis of short sleep duration and obesity in children, adolescents and adults. Sleep, vol. 31, no. 5, 619–626.
Chatzitheochari, S, Arber, S. (2009). Lack of sleep, work and the long hours culture: evidence from the UK Time Use Survey. Work, Employment and Society, vol. 23, no. 1, 30–48. doi: 10.1177/0950017008099776
Chien, K.-L., Chen, P.-C., Hsu, H.-C., Su, T.-C., Sung, F.-C., Chen, M.-F., et al. (2010). Habitual sleep duration and insomnia and the risk of cardiovascular events and all-cause death: Report from a community-based cohort. Sleep, no. 33, 177–184.
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text revision) (2000). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 943 p.
Elwood, P., Hack, M., Pickering, J., Hughes, J., Gallacher, J. (2006). Sleep disturbance, stroke, and heart disease events: evidence from the Caerphilly cohort. Journal of Epidemiology  Community Health, vol. 60, no. 1, 69–73. doi: 10.1136/jech.2005.039057
Faubel, R., Lopez-Garcia, E., Guallar-Castillon, P., Balboa-Castillo, T., Gutierrez-Fisac, J.L., Banegas, J.R., et al. (2009). Sleep duration and health-related quality of life among older adults: a population-based cohort in Spain. Sleep, vol. 32, no. 8, 1059–1068.
Ferrie, J. E., Shipley, M. J., Cappuccio, F.P., Brunner, E., Miller, M. A., Kumari, M., et al. (2007). A prospective study of change in sleep duration: Associations with mortality in the Whitehall II cohort. Sleep, vol. 30, no. 12, 1659–1666.
Gallicchio, L., Kalesan, B. (2009). Sleep duration and mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sleep Research, no. 18, 148–158. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2008.00732.x
Gottlieb, D.J., Redline, S., Nieto, F.J., Baldwin, C.M., Newman, A.B.., Resnick, H.E., et al. (2006). Association of usual sleep duration with hypertension: the sleep heart health study. Sleep, vol. 29, no. 8, 1009–1014.
Hamilton, N.A., Gallagher, M.W., Preacher, K.J., Stevens, N., Nelson, C.A., Karlson, C., et al. (2007). Insomnia and well-being. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, no. 75, 939–946. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.75.6.939
Hamilton, N.A., Lillis, T., Pressman, M. Sleep and Well-Being (2014). In: Michalos A.C. (eds). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht, 311 p. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_3743
Keefer, L., Stepanski, E.J., Ranjbaran, Z., Benson, L.M., Keshavarzian, A. (2006). An initial report of sleep disturbance in inactive inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, vol. 2, no. 4, 409–416.
Kripke, D.F., Garfinkel, L., Wingard, D.L., Klauber, M.R., Marler, M.R. (2002). Mortality associated with sleep duration and insomnia. Archives of General Psychiatry, vol. 59, no. 2, 131–136. doi: 10.1001/archpsyc.59.2.131
Magee, C.A., Caputi, P., Iverson, D.C. (2011). Relationships between self-rated health, quality of life and sleep duration in middle aged and elderly Australians. Sleep Medicine, vol. 12, no. 4, 346–350. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2010.09.013
Maume, D., Sebastian, R.A., Bardo, A.R. (2009). Gender difference in sleep disruption among retail food workers. American Sociological Review, vol. 74, no. 6, 98–1007. doi: 10.1177/000312240907400607
Miller, M.A., Cappuccio, F.P. (2013). Sleep quantity and quality and the risk of type-2 diabetes. In: Preedy V.R., Patel V.B., Le LA. (eds). Handbook of nutrition, diet and sleep. Human Health Handbooks (pp. 270–277). vol 3. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen. doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-763-9_18
Moore, P., Adler, N. E., Williams, D.R., Jackson, J.S. (2002). Socioeconomic status and health: The role of sleep. Psychosomatic Medicine, no. 64, 337–344.
Morin, M.A., LeBlanc, M., Daley, M., Gregoire, J.P., Mérette, C. (2006). Epidemiology of insomnia: Prevalence, self-help treatments, consultations, and determinants of help-seeking behaviors. Sleep Medicine, no. 7, 123–130.
Morphy, H., Dunn, K.M., Lewis, M., Boardman, H.F., Croft, P.R. (2007). Epidemiology of insomnia: A longitudinal study in a UK population. Sleep, vol. 30, no. 3, 274–280.
Muzet, A. (2004). Adult’s sleep physiology, sleep quality and indicators of disturbed sleep. Short-term effects on health of disturbed sleep in adults. WHO technical meeting on sleep and health (pp. 24–37). World Health Organization.
Orr, W.C. (2007). Esophageal function during sleep: Another danger in the night. Sleep Medicine, vol. 8, no. 1, 105–106.
Patel, S.R., Malhotra, A., Gottlieb, D.J., White, D.P., Hu, F.B. (2006). Correlates of long sleep duration. Sleep, vol. 29, no. 7, 881–889.
Ranjbaran, Z., Keefer, L., Stepanski, E., Farhadi, A., Keshavarzian, A. (2007). The relevance of sleep abnormalities to chronic inflammatory conditions. Inflammation Research, vol. 56, no. 2, 51–57.
Roenneberg, T., Allebrandt, K.V., Merrow, M., Vetter, S. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, vol. 22, no. 10, 939–943.
Roth, T. (2007). Insomnia: Definition, prevalence, etiology, and consequences. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 3 (Suppl), 7–10.