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Rita B. Salmorbekova Email:
Samat K. Imanbaev Email:
Indira Karabaeva Email:


The work analyzes the social problems of modern life in rural areas of the Kyrgyz Republic. With the help of a sociological survey, the level and quality of life of the rural population have been analyzed. The study covered 14 villages and conducted 18 focus groups. The research reflects social problems in the context of a gender approach and reveals main factors influencing the efficiency of socio-economic development of rural areas. In the course of the research, it was found that many villages were abandoned and slightly lagged in their development. The respondents assessed a good quality of life as good health, earning money in the village, drinking water supply, peace, and tranquility in society, family, etc. Respondents associated low quality of life with a lack of stability in the country; migration and unemployment; financial dependence; misunderstanding in the family, divorce; moral impoverishment (loss of harmony, respect). In general, the quality of life has improved over the past five years: 31.9% of men and women reported about «significant improvement», and 41.7% – about «improvement», regardless of age, 26.4% noted that it remained the same, none of the respondents noted that their living conditions have deteriorated over the past five years. The authors conclude that rural residents have learned the laws of market relations and changed their outlook on life, without demanding anything from the state. The rise in pensions, benefits, teacher salaries, and the rise in livestock prices, especially in recent years, have contributed to an improvement in the quality of life. With the increase in money, the consumption of household goods has increased.


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How to Cite
Salmorbekova, R. B., Imanbaev, S. K., & Karabaeva, I. (2021). ASSESSMENT OF LIFE IN RURAL AREA FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF A GENDER APPROACH. Society and Security Insights, 4(3), 38-48.


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