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Samat K. Imanbaev Email:
Indira Karabaeva Email:


Today, the HIV/AIDS epidemic extends far beyond risk groups. The absence of clearly coordinated activities and an integrated approach to solving the problem plays an important role for its spread, that can have catastrophic consequences for the population, significantly increase public spending on health care and lead to a decrease in the well-being and deterioration of people's living conditions. The relevance of this article is related to the problem of HIV/AIDS in the Kyrgyz Republic. Despite the fact that recently activities on the prevention and prevention of the spread of HIV / AIDS have noticeably revived thanks to the financial support of various international organizations and foundations, the activity of civil society still leaves much to be desired, as well as the awareness of the seriousness of this problem among the general population. In accordance with research objectives, a sociological survey was conducted in 2019 to identify the awareness of young people on this issue. The study has shown that traditional methods (lectures, distribution of condoms, etc.) among the general population are not very effective. Imaginative perception of the problem is especially effective for a young age, therefore, feature films, books, performances that carry an informative beginning on spiritual education, as well as the actions of antiheroes who have been captured by drugs, prostitution and HIV / AIDS can be more beneficial than hundreds of trainings and lectures.


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How to Cite
Imanbaev, S. K., & Karabaeva, I. (2021). INFORMED YOUTH ON HIV / AIDS PROBLEM IN KYRGYZSTAN. Society and Security Insights, 4(3), 60-70.


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