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Rafael B. Schaihislamov Email:
Svetlana G. Maximova Email:
Olga V. Surtaeva Email:
Daria A. Omelchenko Email:


Since the achievement of the national development goals of the Russian Federation requires citizens to be aware of their importance and conscious participation in their implementation, there is a need for a sociological analysis of the ideas that young people have about the possibilities and key subjects of the implementation of national goals, because the social activity of youth is a driving force of socio-economic and socio-political processes. In 2020, an empirical study in the form of a standardized interview and remote data collection technologies was conducted among the young population of the Altai Krai (n = 1597, respondents’ age from 16 to 30 years). The article presents the results of the analysis of the opinions of the youth of the Altai Krai about implement the national development goals of the Russian Federation and how it could be done. It was revealed that all five national goals, according to the respondents, should be implemented with the participation of both the state and civil society. The role of the state is more important in the implementation of the goals "Comfortable and safe environment for life", "Decent, effective work and successful entrepreneurship" and "Digital transformation". It has been also found that the importance of the state as a major responsible depends on the age: the older a young person is, the more often he names the state as a key subject in the implementation of the national goals of the Russian Federation. The results obtained can become the basis for the development of measures for the youth policy of the Russian Federation, as well as educational programs aimed at informing young people about national goals and the formation in the minds of young people of an attitude towards the need to achieve them.


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How to Cite
Schaihislamov, R. B., Maximova, S. G., Surtaeva, O. V., & Omelchenko, D. A. (2021). NATIONAL GOALS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION THROUGH THE PRISM OF PERCEPTION OF THE YOUTH LIVING IN THE ALTAI REGION. Society and Security Insights, 4(4), 13-30.


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