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Tatiana A. Guzhavina Email:


Social capital is the basic characteristic of a regional community. It is tied to the area where the community lives. Externalities of social capital are important for the development of a community. They can be varied. The country has one of the highest levels of Internet penetration by the population in the world. The purpose of the article is to identify how social capital affects the involvement of the population in new digital practices. It is important to understand how the population is ready for the new digital realities, which affects the development of these practices. The level of mastering such practices can be regarded as one of his externalities. The analysis is based on the method of constructing an indicator model for measuring social capital. The study revealed a positive correlation between involvement in innovative practices and the respondent's social capital.


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How to Cite
Guzhavina, T. A. (2021). NEW DIGITAL PRACTICES AS AN EXTERNAL EFFECT OF SOCIAL CAPITAL. Society and Security Insights, 4(4), 95-109.


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