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Viktor V. Zheltov Email:


The article uncovers the content of the notion of "revolution of dignity", that actively showed itself in the Arab world, namely on the example of the specific Tunisian revolution. The notions of "revolution" and "revolutionary politics" in the Muslim world, designed to uphold the Divine law and ensure the subordination of citizens to the authorities, are characterized. The content of the formulas "people want" and "people wish" as phenomena of political subjectivity is revealed. The place and role of Islam in the revolutionary transformations of the country are defined. The concept of "dignity", its role and place in the Tunisian revolution, as well as in the mass protests of today, are characterized. It is found that the popular nature of the protests in Tunisia with the active participation of believers who took the path of democracy and freedoms as a prerequisite for the implementation of everything related to the human dignity of Tunisians in practice in the country's politics. This dignity was reaffirmed and legally enshrined in the Tunisian Constitution of 2014, which ushered in a new era of constitutionalism in the Arab world.


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How to Cite
Zheltov, V. V. (2022). REVOLUTION OF DIGNITY IN THE WORLD OF ISLAM: NOTION AND POLITICAL EXPRESSION. Society and Security Insights, 5(1), 91-110.
Author Biography

Viktor V. Zheltov, Altai State University

Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor, Research Fellow at the Research and Development Department, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia


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