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Oksana S. Lastochkina Email:


The article deals with the problem of developing the infrastructure of socio-cultural purpose of rural territories, which is relevant for the socio-economic system of the region. The purpose of the study is to study the features and trends of the development of socio-cultural infrastructure in rural areas. The author examines the dynamics of indicators of socio-cultural infrastructure of rural areas based on the analysis of data from Rosstat, the Federal State Statistics Service, statistical collections of the Russian Federation and the Vologda Oblast. The study of the state and main trends in the development of socio-cultural infrastructure of rural areas in modern conditions. The loss of the ability of rural municipal institutions to meet the socio-cultural needs of the population was noted. The article also offers an analysis of the results of the sociological survey of the National Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Socio-cultural portrait of regions" conducted with the participation of the author in 2019 and 2021, the purpose of which was to study the socio-cultural characteristics of the population of the Vologda region, data are provided for two major cities of the region (Vologda and Cherepovets) and by districts. The method of conducting the survey is a questionnaire at the respondent's place of residence, the sample size is 1500 people, the sample is representative, the error does not exceed 5%. The questionnaire questions used in the study study the cultural practices used by the residents of the region, the analysis focuses on the place of residence (urban and rural areas). An analysis of the results of a survey of residents of the Vologda Oblast revealed changes in the composition of leisure needs, as well as in ways to meet them among the rural population. In particular, in 2021, there was an increase in the interest of the population of rural areas in the use of previously less popular cultural practices (museums, cinemas, theaters). The analysis leads the author to think about the expansion of the list of preferred cultural practices among the inhabitants of rural areas. The obtained data and the results of the study can be used by federal and regional authorities in the development of management decisions; drawing up strategic programs for the development of socio-cultural infrastructure and the sphere of culture and leisure.


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Author Biography

Oksana S. Lastochkina, Vologda research center of Russian academy of sciences

junior researcher, Vologda Research Center of The Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia


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