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Svetlana N. Mishchuk Email: svetamic79@mail.ru


Based on the provisions of migrants’ aspirations/abilities model, it is offered to use the main elements of migration scheme to examine non-migration mechanism. A scheme of migration action is presented on the basis of migration factors analysis. In addition to taking into account migration factors the authors offer to estimate factors having impact on non-migrants, that is, the population not participating in migration processes. Revealing the reasons for population "immobility" can expand the list of possible measures and tools to regulate migration activity or population immobility. It is suggested to extend the scheme of the migration mechanism based on the typology of non-migrants, including voluntary and obedient non-migrants. Voluntary and obedient non-migrants are groups of people who do not want to migrate. These groups are connected with "needs" block in the scheme of migration process mechanism. Although their needs do not pass to "migration conditions" block. The scheme of migration action mechanism corresponds to the scheme of migration inaction for two groups of the above non-migrants. The difference is in the result and namely in the lack of migration. The suggested approach for estimating the factors of migration and non-migration can be relevant to analyze the situation in regions with high migration activity, as well as in the regions with a declining outflow of population.


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How to Cite
Mishchuk, S. N. (2022). FACTORS OF NON-MIGRATION AS AN ELEMENT OF MIGRATION PROCESSES MANAGEMENT. Society and Security Insights, 5(3), 103-117. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2022)3-07
Author Biography

Svetlana N. Mishchuk, Institute for Demographic Research FCTAS RAS

Svetlana N. Mishchuk – Cand. Sci. (Economics), leading researcher, Institute for Demographic Research FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia.


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