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Organizations of the non-profit sector have become a key agent in solving many issues of economic and social development at the regional level, having special competitive advantages. In this regard, their activities require regular diagnostics. The purpose of the study was to make a sociological diagnosis of the factors of development of the non-profit sector in the region. The information base of the study is represented by the data of two sociological surveys conducted on the territory of the Vologda Oblast, one of them is carried out in the monitoring mode. The sample size is 1500 people. We used the index method of evaluation and the method of analyzing the distribution of respondents' opinions by socio-demographic groups, depending on the selected components of the involvement of the region's population in the activities of non-profit organizations. The following private/sub-indices were calculated: public awareness of the activities of NPOs; participation in their work and trust in them; influence (significance) of NPOs on the development of the region. The integral index served as a generalizing indicator. It is concluded that the main factor hindering the development of the non-profit sector is the low level of participation in the activities of NPOs of the population of the region. It has been established that in the context of socio-demographic groups, the most significant factors are gender, education level, age and financial situation, in turn, the type of territory does not have a significant impact on the public recognition of the NPO sector. It was revealed that among Internet users the work of NPOs does not find a great response. In the long-term dynamics from 2013 to 2021, the regional community noted positive trends in terms of the involvement of the population in the practices of non-profit organizations and their support.
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