Main Article Content
This publication is devoted to the reconstruction of the socio-philosophical views of the founder of the movement of Siberian democratic regionalism N. M. Yadrintsev in the field of penitentiary. The authors emphasize the socio-philosophical and journalistic heritage of the Siberian educator in the field of prison science as one of the first domestic experiments in penitentiary sociology.
Appealing to published sources - articles and books by a famous Siberian, the article establishes that in the ideological heritage of the educator, prisoners were understood as a special social group, and correctional institutions and prison staff as an institution of influence, which indicates the thinker's sociological approach to prison studies. The article shows that the concept of N. M. Yadrintsev clearly reflects the organization of the living space of convicted and exiled criminals.
In general, the authors state that N.M. Yadrintsev, the founder of the movement of Siberian regionalists, was one of the first in Russian research literature to attempt to analyze the laws of social life in places of deprivation of liberty, including the existence of a prison subculture. In this regard, with a certain degree of conventionality, the leader of the movement, the regionalist, can be considered one of the founders of penitentiary sociology.
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