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Mariya A. Gruzdeva Email:


Digitalization processes for leveling the quality of life and opportunities in large settlements and remote peripheries are extremely important. The modern possibilities of digital services are a significant catalyst for the development of economic activity, social sectors, bringing a number of important advantages to everyday life. At the same time, various factors that determine the digital divide in modern Russia are significant. In this study, attention is drawn to the spatial feature, the goal was to highlight the key trends in the digitalization of various spheres of human life in cities and rural periphery. The information base is represented by available statistical data obtained in the course of monitoring the digital practices of the population, commercial organizations, in particular, agricultural and forestry, and social institutions. Concluded that agricultural organizations lag behind others in the digital development of internal processes. This is reflected in a lower number of employees with information and communication competencies, little experience in using ICT infrastructure, simplified practices for online interaction with suppliers and consumers (mainly information search, electronic settlements with suppliers, while placing an order and receiving payment from the buyer less than a third of organizations carry out in the network).


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How to Cite
Gruzdeva, M. A. (2023). CITIES AND RURAL PERIPHERY: KEY DIGITALIZATION TRENDS. Society and Security Insights, 5(4), 90-107. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Mariya A. Gruzdeva, Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Cand. Sci (Economics), Senior Researcher, Deputy Head of the Department, Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


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