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Elena A. Erokhina Email: eroh@mail.ru


The change in foreign policy targets raises the question of a “turn to the East,” which requires a reassessment of the role of the Siberian macroregion in domestic geopolitics. The leading long-term factors in overcoming geopolitical risks affecting the stable development of Russian society and the qualitative transformation of its institutions are the harmonization of the mobilization and innovation components of modernization and the success of integration projects in the Eurasian space. The main conclusions of the study are ascertaining the need for (1) state support for the development of innovative processes that allow leveling the disproportions of regional development and strengthening the potential of the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation (case study of the Academgorodok 2.0 project), and (2) reorientation to cross-border cooperation within the framework of integration projects (case of "Greater Eurasia"). Raising the status of Siberia in strategic planning thus turns out to be an integral part of the reflection of the “turn to the East”.


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How to Cite
Erokhina, E. A. (2022). "TURN TO THE EAST" AND TRENDS OF MODERN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT: SIBERIAN VECTOR. Society and Security Insights, 5(3), 13-25. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2022)3-01
Author Biography

Elena A. Erokhina, Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the RAS

Elena A. Erokhina – Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Leading Research Fellow, Department of Social and Law Studies, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia.


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