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Raisa I. Khoteeva Email: khoteeva@ya.ru
Mariam R. Arpentieva Email: mariam_rav@mail.ru


The issues of using non-traditional methods of forensic research attract the attention of both practitioners and theorists of forensic science and jurisprudence, as well as many specialists in related specialties, including doctors, psychologists, biologists, programmers and representatives of other sciences. The concept of “non-traditional methods of solving crimes” appeared in the 80-90s of the XX century and integrated the methods and approaches of applied psychology, psychodiagnostics and human psychophysiology. Although the world practice of using psychological and psychophysiological methods, approaches and technologies has more than half a century, these methods and devices, programs and technologies are gaining maximum popularity at the present time. Verification and profiling are two of the most interesting and closely related modern areas of psychological forensics as a science of psychological investigation of the event of a crime and its participants (according to the “ideal” and material traces of a crime). They are important parts of modern forensic psychology. Both of these parts are implemented in the practice of investigators / forensic scientists and judges both with the help of non-instrumental (expert) and instrumental (polygraph, etc.) psychological methods and techniques. The problems of modern psychological forensics, however, are not the devices and methods themselves, their development, which undoubtedly enriches both forensic science and psychodiagnostics in general, but that the results of research and practical developments in this area can be illegally expanded to other areas, including in the professor of hyper-securization, as well as in the fact that not always reliable and transparent conclusions of an expert and / or equipment created and used by people who consider themselves experts, equipment, including statistical methods implemented by digital devices, etc.... can be used in a corrupt community, for their own purposes, against people. The emergence of a conflict of interest is all the more likely, the less substantiated and transparent the procedures, methods and algorithms for verification and profiling, and the more the country's law enforcement system is aimed at ignoring the needs of the community in favor of the interests of the bureaucratic monolith. And only then it is possible and nuno to solve the issues of improving programs and techniques of profiling and verification: today the existing approaches and devices give rather high reliability indicators, but not always.


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How to Cite
Khoteeva, R. I., & Arpentieva, M. R. (2022). JUDICIAL AND CRIMINALISTIC PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS: PROFILING, VERIFICATION AND USE OF THE POLYGRAPH. Society and Security Insights, 5(3), 118-137. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2022)3-08
Author Biographies

Raisa I. Khoteeva, К. E. Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University

Raisa I. Khoteeva – Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Associate professor at the Department of General and Social Psychology, К. E. Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University, Kaluga, Russia

Mariam R. Arpentieva, Expert Bureau of Forensic Psychophysiology and Behavioral Analysis, Center for Information Security Kaluga

Mariam R. Arpentieva – Dr. Sci. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History, Academician of the International Academy of Education, free researcher, expert psychologist, LLC “Expert Bureau of Forensic Psychophysiology and Behavioral Analysis”, Kaluga, Russia.


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