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Natalya M. Polyanskaya Email:


Currently, the issues of scientific, technical, technological and innovative development of the country and its territories are among the priority strategic tasks of ensuring national security. The country's global position is largely determined by the level of technological development and the potential for technology exports. This article is a continuation of the research started in the work "The main trends in the development of scientific, technical and innovative potential of Russia: territorial differences". The analysis of trends in the creation and use of technologies in the territorial context is carried out: the parameters of the developed advanced production technologies, export and import of Russian technologies are considered, the effectiveness of foreign trade turnover of technologies is assessed. The development of advanced production technologies in Russia is spatially placed according to the availability of scientific personnel, social labor productivity, investments in fixed assets, internal costs for science, as well as the level of innovative development. The leaders of export revenues from the sale of scientific products are the regions of the Central, North-Western and Volga Federal Districts. In order to strengthen its place in world science, in the world economy, while preserving and multiplying the existing scientific, technical and innovative potential, Russia needs to do everything possible to improve the effectiveness of scientific and technical policy, maintain the continuity of the reproduction of scientific personnel and the development of scientific institutions. It is necessary to ensure rational, integrated management aimed at achieving a balanced regional development.


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How to Cite
Polyanskaya, N. M. (2023). CREATION AND FOREIGN TRADE OF TECHNOLOGIES IN RUSSIA: TERRITORIAL DIFFERENCES. Society and Security Insights, 6(2), 29-43.
Author Biography

Natalya M. Polyanskaya, Banzarov Buryat State University, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch Buryat Scientific Center Department of Regional Economic Studies

Natalya M. Polyanskaya — Cand. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Economics, Banzarov Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude, Russia.


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