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Viktor V. Zheltov Email: zheltov.victor@mail.ru


The article reveals key aspects of the modern theoretical and practical-political expression of the concept of «revolution» in the world of Islam. In this connection, the mythological aspect of the concepts of «revolution» and «revolutionary», accompanying the modern world social development, which receives not only musical and cultural embodiment, but also causes to life an in-depth philosophical understanding of the concept of «revolution». Based on the general theory of the revolution, the ethical and moral aspects of the revolutionary renewal in the world of Islam are highlighted. The article shows disagreement of analysts regarding the essence and character of modern revolutions and protests in Islamic society. The place and role of utopia in the formation of scientific understanding of issues of revolutionary transformations in the world including in the countries of Islam are highlighted. The role of Islam in the transformation of societies, which has changed in recent years, is shown. In this connection, new possibilities of revolutionary transformations are revealed. The author analyzes peculiarities of the transition to democracy in the world of Islam and explores in depth the second wave of democratic and revolutionary transformations in the Islamic world, manifested in the last decade in some countries of the Middle East and North Africa.


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How to Cite
Zheltov, V. V. (2023). ON THE CONCEPT OF «REVOLUTION» IN THE ISLAMIC WORLD. Society and Security Insights, 5(4), 13-36. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2022)4-01
Author Biography

Viktor V. Zheltov, Altai State University

Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor, Research Fellow at the Research and Development Department, Altai State University.


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