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Aleksandra V. Korolenko Email: coretra@yandex.ru


Behavioral risk factors continue to play a significant role in the health of the population, and individual perception of risk and the value of human life are important markers of social security. The study of the value of life through the prism of risky behavior allows us to assess the attitude of the population to risk both their own and others' lives and health, to identify circumstances that allow this. The use of empirical sociology methods makes it possible to take into account the individual characteristics of respondents (values, attitudes, motives, practices), which is extremely important for explaining and controlling risks. The purpose of this article was to identify the types of population in relation to the value of human life (their own and others') and to determine the characteristics of their health-saving behavior based on the data of a representative sociological survey. The information base was the results of the next stage of sociological monitoring of the physical health of the Vologda Oblast population, conducted in 2022 (N=1500). The methods of sociological survey (questionnaire), factorial, cluster and descriptive analysis were used in the study. In the course of the work, three clusters of the population in relation to the value of human life were identified: "humanists", "defenders" and "materialists with a low value of life and health". The differences of clusters in socio-demographic characteristics and parameters of health–saving behavior - practices and motives of health care, barriers of longevity are revealed. The data obtained on the types of the population in relation to the value of life can serve as a basis for the development of specialized measures for the prevention of behavioral health risk factors, and monitoring of the identified categories of the population will allow tracking changes in their health-saving behavior, which is especially important in conditions of instability and external shocks


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How to Cite
Korolenko , A. V. (2023). TYPOLOGY OF THE POPULATION IN RELATION TO THE VALUE OF HUMAN LIFE: HEALTH-SAVING ASPECT. Society and Security Insights, 6(2), 116-133. https://doi.org/10.14258/SSI(2023)2-08
Author Biography

Aleksandra V. Korolenko , Federal state budgetary institution of science “Vologda research center of the Russian academy of sciences”

Aleksandra V. Korolenko – researcher of the department for the studies of lifestyles and standards of living, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Sciences "Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (VolRC RAS), Vologda, Russia.


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