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Zinaida P. Zamaraeva Email:
Tatiyana A. Balina Email:


The article analyzes the views of the modern Eurasian integration process in the context of the socio-spatial approach. Based on the historical understanding of the ideas of «Eurasianism», it is noted that the centuries-old history of these studies has acquired a new meaning in the current geopolitical situation and requires deep interdisciplinary research. The article notes the contradiction between the economic orientation of the current process of Eurasian integration and the need to introduce social guidelines into its development. The purpose of the article is to conduct a scientific analysis of the essence of the category of «social space», the appeal to which will clarify the social specificity of the Eurasian integration process. In the work on the article, a complex of interdisciplinary methods and approaches was used. The theoretical and methodological basis was the scientific approaches to the definition of the categories «social space», «Eurasian integration», which made it possible to clarify the necessary data for their meaningful assessment. The scientific novelty is a generalization of the conclusions, which offer comments on the category of «social space» in the context of the Eurasian integration idea, level and criteria analysis. Among the targets is the achievement of the state of social well-being of a particular person and the territorial community as a whole. A coordinated social policy of states aimed at strengthening the social well-being of the population of the post-Soviet space can become a mechanism for achieving the goal.


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How to Cite
Zamaraeva, Z. P., & Balina, T. A. (2023). EURASIAN INTEGRATION:SPATIAL ASPECT. Society and Security Insights, 6(2), 44-60.
Author Biographies

Zinaida P. Zamaraeva, Perm State National Research University

Zinaida P. Zamaraeva – Dr. Sci. (Sociology),Head of the Department of Social Work and Conflictology, Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia.

Tatiyana A. Balina, Perm State National Research University

Tatyana A. Balina – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Socio-Economic Geography, Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia.


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