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Tatyana Lipai Email:
Mariam Gevorgyan Email:


The article focuses on the Eurasian Education System (EES) as an integration of different education approaches, and stresses the importance of social aspects in the construction of the comprehensive EES. Based on the results of the research, the article identifies the dynamics of the social support of integration processes, and notes its development. The authors consider main directions, practices and approaches to enhance the social support for integration and development. The authors refer to the works of contemporary Armenian, Belarusian and foreign authors who wrote on education systems that developed the methodological grounds for promoting solidarity, and identify ways to extend the EES’s support base.The article shows that the resource of social solidarity, unity and structural-functional integration of the EES is in the everyday efforts to strengthen it together with the social efficiency, and this resource can be discourse of the member states in the field of social-scientific cooperation. The development of the support base for integration processes includes such practices and resources that ensure interiorization of symbols, norms, values, and solidarity of the peoples and elites of the Eurasian Education System.


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How to Cite
Lipai, T., & Gevorgyan, M. (2023). SOCIAL SUPPORT OF INTEGRATION AND EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IN THE EURASIA. Society and Security Insights, 6(2), 61-70.
Author Biographies

Tatyana Lipai, Minsk City Institute for the Development of Education

Lipai Tatyana Petrovna - Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Economics of Education, Minsk City Institute for the Development of Education., Minsk, Belarus.

Mariam Gevorgyan, French University in Armenia

Gevorgyan Mariam Rafik – PhD in Physics. Lecturer, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, French University in Armenia /UFAR/. Granting Program, Institute for Physical Research, NAS of Armenia.


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