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Sayfulla N. Abdullayev Email:
Giuzal S. Abdullayeva Email:


This article is the result of the description and understanding of ethno-cultural processes in Kyrgyzstan. The subjects of the ethnosphere present new facets of their activities in the context of modern processes in Eurasia. The purpose of the article is to interpret ethno-cultural processes as a resource of Eurasian integration. Ethnoculturalism contains a great integration potential. The authors describe integration processes on the example of ethno-cultural communities of Kyrgyzstan. They are members of a mass ethno–cultural organization - the Assembly of the People of Kyrgyzstan. There are analogues of such a mass organization in many countries and regions in the Eurasian space. The authors use the term "cohesion" to denote integration processes in Kyrgyzstan and in the Eurasian space. For the scientific study of the multidimensional activity of ethno-cultural public associations, the authors use the modeling method. The model of ethno-cultural actors of Eurasian integration has four aspects. The combinatorial aspect of the model is particularly relevant. This aspect studies the processes of cohesion and the boundaries of cultures in Eurasia. The article uses the scientific method of modeling, synchronous description and comparison techniques. The study revealed a tendency to spread the specifics of the functioning of ethno-cultural public associations in the Eurasian space. The authors distinguish the formal and meaningful isomorphism of the described subjects. The ethno-cultural resources of Eurasian integration are an example of public diplomacy. Public diplomacy is currently relevant. The results of the study give a new impetus to the activities of the Assembly of Peoples of Kyrgyzstan and other People's assemblies in Eurasia.


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How to Cite
Abdullayev, S. N., & Abdullayeva, G. S. (2023). MODELING OF ETHNO-CULTURAL DIPLOMACY: ISOMORPHISM OF ACTORS AND LEVEL CORRELATION OF ACTIVITIES. Society and Security Insights, 6(2), 134-149.
Author Biographies

Sayfulla N. Abdullayev, Issyk-Kul State University named after K. Tynystanov

Saifulla N. Abdullaev – Dr. Sci. (Philology), Professor, Issyk-Kul State University named after K. Tynystanov, Karakol, Kyrgyz Republic

Giuzal S. Abdullayeva, Kyrgyz-Turkish University "Manas"

Abdullaeva Guzal Sayfullaevna – Postgraduate student, Kyrgyz-Turkish University "Manas", Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic


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