Central Asia: Historical and Cultural Heritage in the structure of interethnic relations of the late XX – early XXI century

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Irina V. Oktyabrskaya Email: siem405@yandex.ru


The article examines the history of the development of strategies and practices for the preservation of cultural and intangible cultural heritage in the countries of post-Soviet Central Asia. It is shown that they developed dynamically, in general, in accordance with global trends; they were correlated with UNESCO documents and fixed at the level of national legal systems, state cultural policy, in academic and socio-political discourses. The concepts of cultural heritage were the basis of the national sovereignty of the countries of Central Asia – the lists of internationally recognized objects of cultural heritage and masterpieces of intangible cultural heritage acquired a significant character. At the same time, in the course of a broad humanitarian dialogue, interethnic strategies for the study, preservation and popularization of cultural heritage were being formed. Their ideology was determined by the civilizational approach and the principles of "practical Eurasianism". When approving national priorities, the Central Asian states focused on multi-vector, multipolar cooperation, including relations in culture, politics, and economy. Historical and cultural heritage was a factor of their integration into the world cultural community and into the space of the Turkic world. With the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the processes of cultural dialogue in the post-Soviet space have reached a new level. The formation of variable integration models has determined one of the main trends in the development of Central Asian countries.


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How to Cite
Oktyabrskaya, I. V. (2023). Central Asia: Historical and Cultural Heritage in the structure of interethnic relations of the late XX – early XXI century. Society and Security Insights, 6(3), 13-29. https://doi.org/10.14258/SSI(2023)3-01
Author Biography

Irina V. Oktyabrskaya, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS, Novosibirsk State University

 Irina V. Oktyabrskaya, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, leading researcher of IAET SB RAS, professor of NSU. Novosibirsk. Russia.


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