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Angelina E. Zhdanova Email:


In modern conditions, for large cities, the problem of creating a comfortable urban environment is urgent, which implies the creation of conditions to provide a favorable, safe and accessible environment for the population to live. A solution to this problem is in demand for large cities that have high resource potential, attracting labor resources and investments to stimulate development. The purpose of this study is to study trends in the formation of a comfortable urban environment in large cities, as well as to consider the best practices for the improvement of these cities. The main information base for the study was the urban environment quality index, formed by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation within the framework of the federal project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment.” The theoretical review examines the basic concepts and identifies key aspects of the development of a comfortable urban environment in the scientific discourse and practice of urban planning. The dynamics of index indicators in federal districts from 2018 to 2022, as well as changes depending on assessments of urban space in various directions, are considered. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that out of 64 large cities, 60 are classified as cities with a favorable urban environment. A trend has been established for the disproportionate development of the urban space of large cities in the country relative to the federal districts, northern and southern, European and Asian parts. The highest urban environment quality index was found in cities located in the Central and Southern Federal Districts, in close proximity to the capital. The final part of the study examines the practices of improving a comfortable urban environment that participate in the federal project and are included in the register of the best according to data for 2022. The importance and necessity of participatory participation (i.e. complicity) of residents in the implementation of practices for the improvement and development of urban space is noted.


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Author Biography

Angelina E. Zhdanova, ФГБУН Вологодский научный центр Российской академии наук

Junior researcher at the Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia.


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