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Igor Olegovich Sidorenko Email:


The processes of cognition of the theory of commitment to the profession of a higher education teacher for the establishment of improved higher education and the accompanying scientific and expert discussions began long before the start of the reformation of the 21st century, however, the total transition to a new form of advanced training and innovative work of universities since 2021 has updated a new round of discussions about how the use of digital technologies is changing the landscape of higher education and the roles and modes of work of professionals. The article, based on a series of semi-structured interviews with teachers from 3 universities, most often of a humanitarian nature, which were collected in two stages from March to April 2021 and a survey of teachers in June 2023, discusses the transformation of the teaching profession in the new conditions after 2015. The key attention is paid to what is happening with the social mechanism of management in the new conditions, how the relationship between the administration and the teaching community is changing.

It is shown that in the conditions of “forced bureaucratization” two divergent aspects are emerging. On the one hand, in the conditions of an unprecedented natural experiment on the mass transfer of all work processes into a mixed learning format, traditional forms of manifestation of the social management mechanism are being revived through the self-organization of the teaching community, the emergence of networks of cooperation and mutual support between professionals. On the other hand, teachers note increased administrative control and bureaucratization of the educational process.  In some cases, this leads to an aggravation of conflict between the administration and the teaching community and is perceived by the latter as a threat to the social management mechanism. In this way, scientific algorithms are updated in relation to the future of the profession of a higher education teacher. The presented analysis concludes with a discussion of possible measures that can be taken to reduce the potential negative effects of the identified aspects on the entire higher education system.


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Igor Olegovich Sidorenko, Altai State University

аспирант Института гуманитарных наук, Алтайский государственный университет, г. Барнаул, Россия.

postgraduate student, Institute of Humanities, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.


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