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Anton A. Nerush Email:


The study of the process of choosing computer games is currently becoming increasingly relevant due to the rapid development of the gaming industry, which continues to involve new users in gaming virtual reality. There is a gap in research on the adoption of software products, including video games, due to the lack of user experience. Despite a deep understanding of the advertising market, the aspect devoted to the user experience of choosing games and interacting with various communication channels has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of the work is to analyze the process of choosing video games by young Russian gamers during offline and online interactions and to develop practical recommendations that can be used in popularizing gamification projects, replicating patriotic video games and launching information campaigns for the gaming audience. The author's sociological research was conducted using a survey method. The target sample consisted of 1,700 people; the main selection criteria were: participation in the practice of computer games; place of residence (Russian Federation); age (18-34). The distribution of the questionnaire was carried out using targeted advertising, the collection of questionnaires was carried out through the Google Forms platform, data processing and analysis was carried out on the basis of the SPSS v22 computer program. The results of a survey among the youth segment of the Russian computer game audience are presented. Based on the data from the study, the dominant channels for obtaining information in the process of choosing a game, genre preferences of players, their hobbies and media consumption were analyzed. It has been established that among gamers there is no clear commitment to one genre of video games, however, the common features of the most popular genres are the role-playing component and the possibility of online interactions. Video game advertising has been found to have lower conversion rates than alternative ways gamers learn about games. The data obtained can be used to develop recommendations for advertising campaigns for socially significant video games and educational projects.


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How to Cite
Nerush, A. A. (2024). SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE CHOICE OF GAME PROJECTS BY YOUNG RUSSIAN GAMERS. Society and Security Insights, 7(2), 184-191.
Author Biography

Anton A. Nerush, Saratov State University

postgraduate student of the Department of Sociology of Social Work, Faculty of Sociology, Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia.


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