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Olga A. Volkova Email:
Elena V. Maksimenko Email:


The article is devoted to the topical modern topic of measuring and ensuring the social and demographic security of the EAEU member states and the Union as a whole. The purpose of this article is to study the potential of public associations to promote the social and demographic security of the EAEU. It is determined that social and demographic security is a matter of concern not only for the governments of the states, the leadership of the EAEU, but also for public associations operating on the territory of the Union countries. It is proved that in the EAEU states there are public associations that can actively work and solve problems of social and demographic security not only at the national level, but also at the EAEU level. It is determined that public associations may have a highly specialized focus on working with specific socio-demographic groups of the population or with the general population. However, public associations generally operate separately and do not enter into alliances with relevant public associations of other countries.



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How to Cite
Volkova, O. A., & Maksimenko, E. V. (2024). THE POTENTIAL OF PUBLIC ASSOCIATIONS TO ENSURE THE SOCIAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC SECURITY OF THE EAEU. Society and Security Insights, 7(2), 37-46.
Author Biographies

Olga A. Volkova, Institute of Demographic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Senior Researcher, Institute of Demographic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

Elena V. Maksimenko, Belgorod law Institute

Teacher-methodologist of the Faculty of Retraining and advanced training, Belgorod law Institute, Belgorod, Russia.


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