Main Article Content
The purpose of this work is to analyze the correlation of family and non-family values in the consciousness of a modern person, the transformation of reproductive attitudes of residents of Russia and other countries. The article analyzes the key trends in the hierarchy of value attitudes of modern youth, compares the results of national and global representative studies. The key family and non-family values were highlighted, and a comparison was made with changes in the socio-demographic situation in various countries. To identify key trends, the results of representative studies conducted by large sociological centers such as VTSIOM, FOM and others were used. The reproductive attitudes of Russians and residents of other countries, attitudes towards fertility, having many children and having few children were analyzed. According to the results of the study, common family and reproductive practices were identified. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify the relationship between the transformation of family and non-family value systems and reproductive behavior. Based on the results obtained, the author concluded that the conflict-prone nature of the relationship between family and family values is especially acute among young people.
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