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During the process of constant global development, as well as globalization and internationalization, the rules and norms that have developed in society are constantly undergoing changes. Along with global changes, the consciousness of an ordinary person, who is a separate element of a huge system, is being transformed more and more. Nowadays the study of how the value orientations of a particular social group are transformed over time is of particular interest. The purpose of the study is to determine whether it is possible to detect some changes in the value system of Chinese and Russian students at the present time compared with the data obtained by G. Hofstede. The object of study was Chinese and Russian students. The analysis of Chinese and Russian students responses received during the interview showed that it is possible to detect discrepancies in a number of criteria with the data of G. Hofstede. This article presents the results of an interview with students, which was based on a discussion of one topic – their attitude to the learning process. The main result of the study was the identification of three criteria, where some discrepancies between the Hovstede data and the survey results are found. Thus, the main differences include a comparison based on the criteria of power distance, the level of individualism and avoidance of uncertainty.
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