The influence of the ethno confessional factor on the citizen activism of the rural youth in Altai territory (following the results of the sociological survey)

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А. В. Шарапов Email:


This article presents the results of the sociological survey conducted among the rural youth of the Altai region in 2015. The aim of the survey was to analyze the influence of ethno confessional factors on protest activity of the rural youth. The recent years witnessed an increase in the number of conflicts based on the ethno confessional factor (riots on Manezh Square in 2010, the Saratov region, Pugachev in 2013). The results of the research did not confirm the hypothesis about the rise of protest moods and high political activity based on ethno confessional factor. The above mentioned conclusion is confirmed by the respondents’ answers to direct, open and indirect questions. Consequently, the authorities do not need to take additional measures and revise their policy in the sphere of national and ethno confessional relations.



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Article Details

How to Cite
Шарапов, А. В. (2018). The influence of the ethno confessional factor on the citizen activism of the rural youth in Altai territory (following the results of the sociological survey). Society and Security Insights, 1(1), 154-161.
Author Biography

А. В. Шарапов, Altai State University

доцент кафедры политической истории, национальных и государственно-конфессиональных отношений


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