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А. Г. Морковкина Email:
М. М. Максимова Email:


The article analyzes the results of research on gender differences in the attitude of Russians towards migrants and their predisposition to migration. The study was conducted in the Altai Territory, data was collected by the method of questionnaire. As a result, it was clarified that gender identity is an important factor in the attitude of Russians towards migration. However, this factor influences more not directly by the desire to move, but on the priority motives for changing the place of residence. In addition, data analysis showed that some factors have a stronger impact on attitudes toward migration than gender, which indicates the benefit of constructing multidimensional models.


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Морковкина, А. Г., & Максимова, М. М. (1). GENDER ASPECTS OF MIGRATION PROCESSES PERCEPTION IN CONTEMPORARY BORDER REGION OF RUSSIA. Society and Security Insights, 1(3), 186-197.


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