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Мария Ивановна Черепанова Email:
Анастасия Андреевна Горбунова Email:


The social significance of scientific studies of ethnic communities is conditioned by the increase of diasporas becoming a common stationary phenomenon in most countries of the world. The scientific discourse of the problem is aimed at analyzing the integral and conflict-causing aspects of the activities of modern diasporas, which will be determined by the specificity of the historical, socio-economic situation, region of residence, features of interethnic policy, etc. The goal of the article was to analyze evaluations of representatives of diasporas in six regions of the Russian borderland about success of adaptation and integration of migrants in the host community. The set of indicators included attitudes towards migrant children in educational institutions, opinions about the restriction or stimulation of migration in the regions, attitudes towards illegal migrants, the problem of national enclaves. The presented results are based on a systems approach, the theory of interdependence in the world development, the essence of which is the formation of the transnational structure of the world community. Conclusions about the adaptive and integration potential of regional diasporas are made, differential assessments on a number of socially significant issues thatdetermine the scientific field of the phenomenon of transit migration in the border areas of the Russian Federation under study are presented. The scientific novelty of the proposed results consists in the study of the role of ethnic communities, in comparison with the local population of the recipient countries, which can be used in forecasting the effectiveness of integration processes and providing the scientific basis for regulating the risk of interethnic conflicts. The practical significance consists in the possibility of optimizing the activities of diasporas for effective social management in the field of migration policy. 


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How to Cite
Черепанова, М. И., & Горбунова, А. А. (2019). ETHNIC DIASPORAS: ADAPTIVE AND INTEGRATIVE POTENTIAL IN CROSS-BORDER REGIONS OF RUSSIA. Society and Security Insights, 2(1), 73-86.


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