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Tatiana V. Shipunova Email:


The research problem is the social security in student discourse. The focus is on the study of students’ assessments of their security and ideas about the priority measures needed to improve the level of social security in the Russian society. Data collection was carried out by the method of free reasoning in the form of an essay. The results of the study showed that most students have a sense of insecurity in one way or another. According to essays, at present time in the Russian society there is insufficient security in the economic sphere (level of well-being and quality of life), in the social protection system, in matters of protecting the protection rights and freedoms of citizens issues. Thus, students expressed their ideas about measures improving social security policies. The scientific novelty of the research consists in using a qualitative method that does not limit the participants in describing their situation, their perceptions of dangers and expectations. In practical terms, the value of the study is seen in the fact that the state and other security agents must take into account the opinions of different groups of the population, including young people in order to confirm their legitimacy and strengthen the confidence of citizens. In this sense, free speech is a rich material for understanding the existing social security system.


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How to Cite
Shipunova, T. V. (2019). STUDENT YOUTH ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY. Society and Security Insights, 2(2), 128-141.


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