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Svetlana V. Murasheva Email:


The relevance of a problem of impact of the forced migration on the accepting regions is caused by escalating quantity of the migration flows sent from the unsuccessful countries to quieter, rich and prospering states. Migration renders both positive, and negative influence on the countries recipients. Thanks to demand for goods and services of workers-foreigners additional employment is stimulated, there is a fast development of infrastructure, the problem of deficiency of working resources is solved. But, at the same time, inflow of visitors leads to depreciation in the market of human resources, creates problems with implementation of the technologies preserving work, lowers efficiency of work and its productivity, forms additional load of social infrastructure of the state. At the same time migrants can try to impose own culture to local population, denying traditions of the host country, in this regard the probability of emergence of the interethnic conflicts is high. The purpose of the submitted article was the research of specifics of influence of the forced migration on the accepting regions. The important place is given to issues of adaptation and integration of migrants in places of arrival. The scientific novelty of the provisions offered in article consists in a research of influence of the forced migration on the accepting regions. The practical importance consists in a possibility of use of conclusions of article for development of effective migration policy, successful adaptation and integration of the forced migrants into the accepting society.


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How to Cite
Murasheva, S. V. (2019). INFLUENCE OF THE FORCED MIGRATION ON THE ACCEPTING REGIONS . Society and Security Insights, 2(3), 98-110.


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