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In recent years, food security has been objectively recognized as a paramount problem in the national security system of any state. This is due to the fact that, first of all, the country needs to satisfy the basic physiological needs of people, moreover, in order to provide the population with food it is very important to avoid a high degree of dependence on other countries. Based on traditional research methods, the author considers the socio-economic essence of food security as the most important component of the state’s overall national security. A review of the known approaches to the scientific interpretation and normative definition of this phenomenon is carried out. The author emphasizes that the study of factors of the standard of living of the population is of great importance. Food threats in the country arise, both as a result of irrationally organized food production activities, and as a result of unjustified socio-economic policies of the state. The indicators of food energy consumption by the population of Russia and a number of countries are analyzed. The relationship of living standards and nutritional quality of the population is noted, indicators of the poverty level in Russia and some foreign countries are given. In the light of the ongoing political and socio-economic processes, threats to food security for Russia are identified.
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