Main Article Content
The relevance of scientific understanding of security in the context of a crisis of generalized trust in Russian society is justified by the search for significant indicators of its interdependence. The scientific discourse of the study of subjective assessments of social well-being allows us to predict the dynamics of these phenomena. The purpose of this article is to identify the optimal socio-economic context, as well as the effectiveness of the regional authorities, which are a necessary condition for optimizing the social well-being of citizens, as one of the basic components of the stability of the region's functioning. The analysis of the basic components of the social well-being of the population of the Altai territory in the context of the analysis of generalized trust in the basic social institutions of the region is presented. On the basis of structural-functional and neo-evolutionist approaches, the role of trust as a basic construct of the social order of functioning of the regional community is revealed.
Conclusions are made that the set of assessments of the cognitive and emotional level of sensations indicates that most of the inhabitants of the region have a low estimate of the potential of social institutions responsible for the safety of life in the region.
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