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Ksenia E. Kosygina Email:
Vadim S. Kaminsky Email:


Citizens participation in elections is the most accessible and effective mechanism for society's influence on the political system. However, the problem of absenteeism (refusal to participate in elections) is currently characteristic for Russia and in particular for the Vologda region, which actualizes the task of determining ways to increase the electoral activity of citizens. One of these methods may be the activities of non-profit organizations. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of non-profit organizations in increasing the electoral activity of citizens. The information base of the study are legislative sources, official statistics, data from sociological surveys: regular monitoring of public opinion of residents of the Vologda region (n = 1500) and an expert survey of heads of non-profit organizations (n = 35). Main methods: system, comparative, statistical and sociological analysis. The key results of the study are as follows: the dominant form of absenteeism in the region is identified (distancing from the government, not its " tacit approval»); it is established that the activities of NPOs have a positive impact on the electoral activity of citizens; a number of recommendations have been formulated for authorities, as well as for non-profit organizations themselves, to involve NPOs in the electoral process.


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Kosygina, K. E., & Kaminsky, V. S. (2020). ROLE OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS IN INCREASING ELECTORAL ACTIVITY OF CITIZENS. Society and Security Insights, 3(3), 90-111.


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