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Nadezhda V. Plaksina Email: Nadegda.compas@rambler.ru
Tatiana N. Akulova Email: Akulova_tn@mail.ru
Elena V. Smirnova Email: Smir.szao@mail.ru


The article discusses the peculiarities of studying corruption by students of a technical university from the standpoint of the relevance of its research component. The acquisition of knowledge of a legal nature is substantiated from the point of view of importance not only from the standpoint of the humanitarian discipline «jurisprudence», but also the significant situation of knowledge of legal aspects in any sphere of life. The authors assign a special role in the materials of the article to the dynamic component in the study of the student audience with a view to increasing interest in the humanitarian disciplines, where «jurisprudence» comes to the fore among the disciplines of the humanitarian block. Problematic issues of a social plan, in particular, the negative manifestation of the phenomenal and modern criteria elements of corruption schemes in the current modernity. According to the results of the study, the peculiarities of the procedures of judicial proceedings in relation to criminal acts in general, in particular, in the field of education, arouse keen interest among students. The article presents the effective positions of the research on the subject of active discussion and analysis of situations of corruption in the educational environment. The materials of the study of the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle in higher education are given according to the priority ranking among students.


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How to Cite
Plaksina, N. V., Akulova, T. N., & Smirnova, E. V. (2021). FEATURES OF STUDYING THEME «CORRUPTION AS A SOCIAL PHENOMENON» IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE TRAINING COURSE «JURISPRUDENCE» IN CHEMICAL UNIVERSITY. Society and Security Insights, 3(4), 164-172. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2020)4-13
Author Biography

Tatiana N. Akulova, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

доцент кафедры физвоспитания


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