Main Article Content
The author connects further study of the problems of social security with the need to redefine crime. The article deals with the transformation of ideas about crime and the appeal of modern researchers to the idea of understanding it in moral discourse. The author supports and develops further the thesis about the need to use the concept of «ethical minimum», which should be used in assessing the activities of the main subjects of social security. Violation of the principle of social justice in its instrumental meaning is considered as the main criterion for assessment. Those norms, laws, measures implemented by various subjects of social security that support the foundations of a decent life for people in society will be socially just. If this principle is ignored, “gray zones” of social security arise, in which there are increased risks of violation of the “ethical minimum”. The article also discusses the issue of separating such violations from completely understandable and explainable errors and management deficiencies that are difficult to avoid in situations of increased risks. Violations of the “ethical minimum” in the “gray zones” of social security, in contrast to a criminal offense, should receive an independent public assessment based on the methodology for studying the social responsibility of all agents important for ensuring the protection of the population.
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