General guidelines

«Society and Security Insights» is a scientific periodical journal, publishing results of original researches, analytical surveys, unpublished translations of works of foreign researches, reviews, and case studies on problems of fundamental and applied researches in social sciences, related to risk and security, aspects social constructing, perception and interpretation, influence for public consciousness, social institutes and processes. Journal welcomes papers by doctors and candidates of sciences, lecturers, post-graduates and doctoral students, specialists and practitioners in the field of state and municipal administration, sociology, philosophy, psychology, economy, management and other fields of sciences. Masters publish their articles only with co-authorship. Journal accept unpublished papers, related to relevant issues.

The publication is free.

The journal is quarterly printed journal and provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge (continuous publication). This means publishing open access articles soon after double-blind peer review and accepting by editorial stuff, promotes to distribution and citing of articles. All articles are open-accessed and have DOI index.

Editorial board accept research papers and reviews no longer than 1.0 author’s sheet (40 000 characters, spaces included), brief reviews no longer than 0.4 author’s sheet (16 000 characters, spaces included), other materials no longer than 0.15 author’s sheet (6 000 characters, spaces included), including information about authors, pictures and references. Papers in Russian and English are welcomed.

If the article contains figures, they should be provided as individual files in *.jpg format together with the manuscript. After independent scientific and technical expertise, the article is rejected, returned for revision or accepted for publication, then authors are informed by e-mail.

To submit a paper authors should register the online author submissions system Registration as an author and / or reviewer is strongly required.

While registering, please indicate the English version of last and first name. Authors should login the User Page and choose “New paper” to submit an article.