Event marketing or event marketing is an important institution for the implementation of various processes of brand promotion and image enhancement territories of Russia in terms of the development of the tourism sector (external, internal, regional, and local, etc.). It is important, when identifying criteria for a tourist area suitable for event events, from the point of view of implementing modern event marketing tools, to constantly take into account factors aimed at the correct application of techniques for creating creative concepts of various events, holidays, exhibitions, presentations, and regional sports events, taking into account and borrowing the experience of success in holding certain forms of events in other regions of the country. When developing criteria for assessing tourist attractiveness for a particular territory of the country, it is also necessary to take into account the latest achievements in the field of innovative technologies, digital solutions, and targeting.
Event marketing in its practical purpose is used to create and improve the design characteristics of various marketing events. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the Altai Territory in terms of identifying criteria for assessing tourist attractiveness and the role of event marketing in the development of socio-economic and cultural processes in the territory.
Many scientists and experts in the field of tourism development and event marketing, among whom there are well-known scientists and representatives of the National Rating project; highlight only the following criteria for a tourist area suitable for event events. Some experts, characterizing the tourist attractiveness of the territory, point to the system of the following assessment criteria: economic and social specialization; material and property level, the presence of special tourist institutions in the region and municipalities; natural conditions and national heritage, cultural values; local identity. These experts call the tourist infrastructure of the region and individual territories the main element of tourist attraction for holding events
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Copyright (c) 2024 Vera A. Bykova, Olga M. Maslova
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