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Khudyakov, Yu. S., Institute of archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Khudyakov, Yu. S., Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS; Novosibirsk State University


Khuzhinazarov, M. , Institute of Archaeological Research, Academy of Sciences of Republic Uzbekistan


Khvorov, P. V., Institute of Mineralogy, Urals branch of RAS


Kichigin, D.E. , Irkutsk National Research Technical University


Kireev, S.M. , National Museum of the Altai Republic. A. V. Anokhin
Kireev, S.М. , Anokhin National Museum of the Altai Republic


Kiryushin, K. Yu.
Kiryushin, K. Yu., Altai state University (Russian Federation)
Kiryushin, K. Yu., Altai state University
Kiryushin, K. Yu., Altai state University; Institute of archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Kiryushin, K. Yu., Institute of archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Kiryushin, K. Yu., Institute of archeology and Ethnography of SB RAS
Kiryushin, K.Yu. , Altai State University
Kiryushin, K.Yu. , Altai State University
Kiryushin , K.Yu., Altai State University
Kiryushin, K.Yu., Altai State University


Kiryushin, Y. F., Altai State University
Kiryushin, Yu. F., Altai State University
Kiryushin, Yu. F., Altai state University
Kiryushin, Yu. F., Institute of archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS, Altai state university
Kiryushin, Yu.F. , Altai State University
Kiryushin, Yu.F., Altai State University


Kitov, E. P., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS


Kitova, L.Yu. , Kemerovo State University

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